The Pirate Poll has Obama at 50% and Clinton at 42% in Texas. while CNN has the Lone Star State at 50-48, in Clinton’s favor.
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February 26th, 2025 at 9:56 pm
Everyone go ahead and recite after me, “President Obama”. Yes, I am a hard core conservative and have no qualms about it. But after tonight’s debate I see the future for America, President Obama. Smart, energetic, captivating and mysterious, Sen. Obama has laid down the law on Hillary and McCain is next. If McCain cannot define himself and not allow Obama to do so as just another “Bush” he will not have a chance. People want “change” and I hate to say it will come at a price. When I was a child and some might think I still am today, I always thought that the government’s only responsibility was to protect its citizens; I guess today that is not the case. Tonight’s debate and those before have fully illustrated to me that America want Uncle Sam to be Daddy Sam and take care of all of our ills, from Mortgage defaults to healthcare we are becoming more like those who we use to say we were not namely the Europeans, but sadly that is not the case. I hate this for America and I hate this for those who believe that it is a person without government’s help that makes this country great. So hats off to you Sen. Obama and good luck.
February 27th, 2025 at 6:50 am
Well, for what it’s worth, it has never been the government’s sole job to simply protect its citizens.
Of course, the exact parameters of what the government ought to do is a legit debate.
February 27th, 2025 at 9:50 am
I think that this is a good discussion and it should be one that we as Americans should be talking about. So what is the government responsibility to its people as a far as the constitution goes?