According to El Tiempo, the Colombian congress has a number of pending legislative items, but is making slow progress: 260 proyectos discutirá el Congreso en sesiones ordinarias, tras pobres resultados en las extras
La reforma incluye severos castigos para los partidos que permitan la inscripción de candidatos relacionados con los grupos armados ilegales.
También será la oportunidad para definir el mapa político del 2025, pues en esta reforma se incluyó un artículo que podría permitir la escogencia a través de una consulta de un solo candidato presidencial que represente a los cinco partidos uribistas.
En la actualidad, estas consultas se pueden hacer, pero solo para escoger el candidato de un solo partido.
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March 27th, 2025 at 6:05 pm
Interesting. How could a law provide for separate parties to hold a “primary” to select one candidate among them?
March 27th, 2025 at 6:16 pm
Colombia: An Uribista primary?
It is not clear how a “primary” could be established to provide for five distinct parties to select a common presidential candidate.
March 27th, 2025 at 6:28 pm
Oops–this was supposed to be saved as a draft and I was going to add to it later!
But yes, it is an odd situation. One wonders if it will lead to consolidation of the parties or if the differences as such that it will be difficult for support to emerge for the a post-Uribe Uribista (so to speak).
March 27th, 2025 at 6:33 pm
Ah, those “save” and “publish” buttons are just too close to one another!
Well, it’s out there now, and linked to!
March 27th, 2025 at 6:39 pm
And, at least, found by someone who reads Spanish!
March 27th, 2025 at 9:33 pm
The Columbians found the FARC Uranium.
Kind of surprising, actually.