Friday, April 4, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Of course, there’s the drug czar, The Iraq War Czar1, a proposed Import Czar and let’s not forget the AIDS Czar who resigned because of the *cough* massages he was getting from the DC Madam’s prostitutes. And, let’s not forget that the British wanted (and may now have) an “Identity Fraud Tsar.

And now: Clinton calls for ‘poverty czar’.

Look, what was the point of the Russian Revolution, if we are going to Czars popping up everywhere we turn?

(Thanks to B. Minich for the tip).

  1. Or was that a figment of our imagination, given that we haven’t heard much from him []
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3 Responses to “Oh Noes! Another Czar Suggestion”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Ratoe Says:

      Given the proliferation of Czars, I think now is the time to propose a Czar Czar to coordinate all of the Czarist efforts.

    2. Hume\\\\’s Ghost Says:

      Or better yet: what was the point of the American revolution?

      Its no secret that many of the Founders considered Ceasar to be one of the greatest villains in history and viewed him as a symbol of tyranny.

      They’d be rolling over in the grave knowing we’ve created all these Czar positions (and I would think they’d be particularly troubled by a War Ceasar.)

    3. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:


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