The PoliBlog

The Collective
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

Via the BBC: Zimbabwe poll officials detained

Zimbabwean police have arrested at least five officials for allegedly under-counting votes cast for President Robert Mugabe in last month’s election.

Police said the election officials have been charged with fraud and criminal abuse of duty, accused of taking nearly 5,000 votes away from Mr Mugabe.

I must confess, that strikes me as a bit convenient, given that Mugabe has be calling for a recount whilst simultaneously delaying the results.

The NYT reports High Court in Zimbabwe Delays Ruling on Vote

The High Court of Zimbabwe on Monday delayed a decision on whether to force the government to release the results of the March 29 presidential election, prolonging an impasse that seemed to be growing increasingly acrimonious at each turn.

Hardly a surprise.

Meanwhile, opposition candidate Tsvangirai has flown to South Africa to seek international support (via the Independent): Tsvangirai in South Africa for Zimbabwe crisis talks.

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  • el
  • pt
    1. I received this a short while ago.

      > Dear All,
      > As opposed as I am to sending chain letters and mass-bumph, this one
      > (and ones like it) need to be shared. The person who originated the
      > message is a personal friend of my business partner, Jon Harris.
      > Please send it to as many people as you can!!
      > Kind regards,
      > Jimmy Wayland
      > > Subject: Zimbabwe Farmers under Siege
      > Dear All
      > Please support these brave people - they need all the help they can get.
      > Regards Jon
      > From: joybells
      > Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2025 19:00:05 +0200
      > Subject: Last White farmers under siege, instigated by Mugabe
      > Dear Family and Friends,
      > Well never thought I would have to do this email do not know if it may
      > be my last from our farm “Chidza”. At 3.30pm today a lorry load of so
      > called Mugabe brain washed “war-vets” arrived at our gate to take over
      > our land, equipment and pedigree cattle. This crazy action is occurring
      > in a country where there is v little food being produced ! It is now 6
      > pm and they have been singing their war songs at our gate for three
      > hours, the atmosphere is violent and more and more of them have arrived.
      > We managed to get our daughter Alison and her young son “Little John”
      > into town and for now it is just John and myself, plus our dogs
      > remaining in the house on the farm. They have said that our labour will
      > not work tomorrow . They have demanded that John must kill them a
      > sheep, which John has flatly refused to do, so no doubt they will simply
      > kill one for themselves. None of our paid labour will even attmpt to
      > come to work tomorrow either! Graham Richards who lives south of us is
      > also under siege at the same time as us, so this siege of the last
      > remaining whites is an orchestrated plan. The Goddards and Deidricks are
      > in the same boat. They have already taken over Pa-Nyanda Guest Lodge,
      > and Graham and his wife Callie are now in town. Alison is at John
      > sisters in Masvingo town and her husband Carl is expected back from
      > Bulawayo tonight.
      > Lorna’s telephone no. is Zw code 39-264323 ; Ali is on 011216643 Our
      > Phone Landline is 039-266080 Cell Phone Nos. 011-215275 ; 023-258810
      > Please pass this email on to as many folk as you would like to , this
      > illegal action must become “known” thru out the world . If you know of
      > anyone in the Media, please ensure that they become aware /are alerted
      > to this evil tyrant’s actions to keep power at all costs. We have to let
      > the world know what is happening. Well done to Zesa. As they load
      > shedded us and I phoned my friend in the Zesa Faults and he phoned
      > Harare and they have switched us back on. So for now please keep all of
      > us in your prayers and we will send a follow up tomorrow if we are able.
      > Our love to you all. John and Joy from Chidza.

      Comment by Dee — Tuesday, April 8, 2025 @ 11:46 am

    2. So.

      Has Jimmy Carter verified the results, yet?

      Comment by Steven L. — Tuesday, April 8, 2025 @ 4:51 pm

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