Thursday, May 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the AP: NBA: Foul should have been called at end of Game 4

The NBA acknowledged Wednesday that a foul should have been called on the final possession of Game 4 in the Western Conference finals, which would have given the San Antonio Spurs a chance to even the series.

Ah well. The thing that has annoyed me about the non-call has more been the coverage than the non-call itself. A lot of commentators (including those covering the game, as well as Mike Wilbon) have stated that Barry have better “sold” the foul. However, these are the same guys who seem to always be griping that there is too much flopping in basketball to get calls. So which is it: should guys play up and “sell” the fouls or what? You can’t have it both ways.

At least my brother was happy with the outcome…

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5 Responses to “Thanks, but it is a Little Late Now…”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Thanks, but it is a Little Late Now | GOT FANATICS! Says:

      [...] Via the AP: NBA: Foul should have been called at end of Game 4 The NBA acknowledged Wednesday that a foul should have been called on the final possession of Game 4 in the Western Conference finals, which would … [...]

    2. Thanks, but it is a Little Late Now | GOT FANATICS! Says:

      [...] Via the AP: NBA: Foul should have been called at end of Game 4 The NBA acknowledged Wednesday that a foul should have been called on the final possession of Game 4 in the Western Conference finals, which would … [...]

    3. B. Minich Says:

      Ahh, but was the ref wearing pants? Or a scarf? The survival of the Republic hangs on the answer!

    4. the misanthrope Says:

      Great posts. I have been delinquent in my visits and readings.

    5. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      Welcome back.

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