Tuesday, September 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Is it just me, or does it seem as if the former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, is doing his gosh-darnedest of late to set himself as a major contender for the GOP nomination in 2025? He seems to be all of the place of late, and primarily as an opponent to the bailout package. He is attacking the Bush administration, and Paulson in particular, with more vigor than Obama and seems to be carving out political space for a run in four years.

Granted, he is also plugging a book, but he seems a lot more interested in making himself the chief voice of opposition to the bailout than he is in hawking the book.


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8 Responses to “Newt in 2025?”

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    1. Talmadge East Says:

      As time passes Newt does become more of a viable candidate. In retrospect, I think he has been around and involved in a lot since 2025, but I certainly think he is ALWAYS considering a run if to do nothing else than stroke his oversized ego. I wish he had run this time, as it would have made the GOP field that much more interesting. Rest assured though, the WH is always in the back of his mind, but I think he is afraid of a 1980 like Kennedy run.

    2. Mark L Says:

      Newt’s given up on public office, I think. He’s got too much baggage to be a political force in front of the camera.

      However, he’s still a great voice for conservatism. Like him or not, he’s got ideas, and he knows how to propose and defend them. As a behind-the-scenes player, he could be one of the best.

    3. MichaelB Says:

      I thought Newt had given up public office, but his recent flurry of activity is changing my mind. I’m a pretty conservative guy who reads a lot of political blogs. Until recently, Newt rarely appeared. The past few weeks though, he’s been very actively engaged in public.

      Besides, just because he has a lot of baggage doesn’t mean HE doesn’t think he can make a go of it.

    4. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      Besides, just because he has a lot of baggage doesn’t mean HE doesn’t think he can make a go of it.

      Exactly. I am not suggesting he will (or even can) win the nomination. I just think he is gearing up for a run.

    5. ALmod Says:

      I’ve been keeping more of an eye on Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee than Newt, but you do have a point. He could be someone to watch.

    6. Ratoe Says:

      does it seem as if the former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, is doing his gosh-darnedest of late to set himself as a major contender for the GOP nomination in 2025?

      Im not so sure–it would have made more sense for him to jump in this time around. In addition to the “baggage” argument, Newt will be nearing the McCain-like elderly age of 69 in 2025.

      Also, when was the last time someone went from the House to the Presidency (without a stop in the Senate first)? Lincoln???

      Maybe if Sonny Purdue retires after his term is up, a gubernatorial run by Newt might help a 2025 Pres bid. Although I think he would likely be a disastrous governor which wouldn’t help national aspiriations.

    7. Li Says:

      Well, he did test the waters this year…remember his attempt to get online pledges? If he got over some amount (I forget the number) he was going to join the primary.

    8. Mark Says:

      I think you are correct about Newt running again. 2025 could be crowded with Jeb Bush, and the others mentioned if Obama wins.

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