Saturday, November 22, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

I initially avoided commenting on the story of Palin’s interview in front of the turkey abattoir (despite quite a bit of discussion during the week), but after reading some blog posts on the subject, I changed my mind.

I don’t know whose fault it was–the cameraman, the Governor’s staff or the Governor, but conducting a multi-minute interview in front of where turkeys are being slaughtered is just plain weird. To point this out, btw, isn’t Palin Derangement Syndrome nor is the main reason that there has been some a reaction to the footage because no one can handle knowing where their food comes from. Indeed, noting the weirdness of the situation is neither a political statement nor some endorsement of PETA-like policies on eating turkeys. As the designated turkey-cooker in our household, I know where the meat comes from and viewing the video did not dissuade me from this year’s menu. The bottom line is that one does not expect to watch a chit-chatty interview with turkeys being killed as a backdrop. It doesn’t matter who the interviewee is, unless the interview is about killing turkeys.

I will say this, at the risk being accused of PDS, my first reaction to this story, and which remains my main reaction, is as follows: if Palin wants to be thought of as a serious presidential candidate for 2024, she has to address the fact that many people perceive of her as a being a bit of an airhead1 and blithely standing in front of the slaugherhouse, sipping coffee and chatting about politics and such makes her look oblivious to her surroundings, which simply feeds the basic anti-Palin narrative.

If curious, here’s the video:

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  1. And to clarify: I have never accused her of not being intelligent, but rather incurious. However, any objective assessment of Palin’s public image has to admit that she is not thought of as intellectual powerhouse. Se, for example, Tina Fey’s parody of Palin. []
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46 Responses to “Look, it’s Just Plain Weird”

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    1. JohnRJ08 Says:

      A bit of an “airhead”? Are you kidding? How many interviews does this person have to give, butchering language and logic, before people accept the fact that she makes most high school cheerleaders sound like they have a doctorate in English Literature. Every time she opens her mouth, she confirms the fact that she cannot speak a single coherent, complete sentence, and is unable to speak the syllable “ing”. In this particular interview, she tries to sound politically savvy, but ends up sounding like Leo Gorcey from the old Deadend Kids serials. Of course, the turkeys being slaughtered in the background wasn’t the issue here. It’s the idea that she was so totally oblivious to what was going on right behind her. It was a classic metaphor of her world-view. A complete lack of awareness. If Palin ever wants to be taken seriously in national politics, the first thing she’ll have to do is go back to high school and take a few English and public speaking courses. Maybe some world and U.S. history classes would help, too. And the college that gave her the degree in Journalism should lose its accredation immediately. This woman is a walking traffic accident and right now the whole country is rubbernecking, hoping to catch her next slaughtering of the language.

    2. Karen Says:

      I saw last night on Anderson Cooper’s 360 that a statement from Palin’s spokesman had been issued in response to the heavy proliferation of the Sarah Palin Turkey Massacre video:

      The statement revealed that she said she NEVER REALIZED that she’d be giving that interview with the bloody background, that the media people had SET HER UP with the positioning seen in the interview, and that she’s SORRY for any distress it caused viewers.

      All easily proven to be false statements, but it’s another example of Sarah Palin seizing the moment, and the mainstream media not challenging her lies.

      So, her Turkey Massacre interview was twofold: it got her “seen” again, in her 17th or 18th minute of fame, and it provided an opportunity for yet ANOTHER mention on national TV in the subsequent statement. And on and on and on, pretty soon she’ll be up to 25 minutes of dubious fame.

      Now we read about multiple invitations from various well-known talk show hosts such as Oprah and Barbara Walters, etc. What are the chances all these hosts call each other up and ask, “did you really invite the Alaskan governor to appear on your show?” I’ll bet it’s another PR lie issued by Sarah Palin’s spokesman, for yet ANOTHER round of free publicity for Palin.

      She may not be intelligent in the usual sense of the word, but she sure is cunning in that sneaky way you hate when you see it in one of your co-workers.

    3. JohnRJ08 Says:

      I don’t doubt for a minute that Palin has been invited to appear on various talkshows. We must remember that these shows are all about one thing: ratings. That’s how they get advertisers. Palin is like one of those of car chases, that television stations feel compelled to televise because they know there’s a big audience out there that just wants to see if any blood is going to be spilled. She offers all the appeal of an ongoing television reality show, because you just never know what kind of ridiculous collection of words are going to fall out of her mouth. The next day, people at the office are at the water cooler saying, “My God, did you see what the ignoramus said last night on TV?” It’s entertainment. The fact that Sarah Palin is too stupid to realize that’s what she’s providing just makes it more fascinating to watch.

    4. EM Says:

      Good looks. That’s what it’s all about. You think Oprah and Letterman and what-not would be asking for Palin if she looked like Geraldine Ferraro? (another failed female V-P candidate, for those not long-in-the-tooth enough to remember)

      I’m watching “Flip this House” right now, where Armando lets his wife get away with her incompetence on the job and why? Because she’s GOOD-LOOKING.

      Good looks. That’s what it’s all about folks. Physical attraction. Facial perfection. Palin’s got it; heck, even Obama’s got it. You think he would have been elected President if he looked like Al Sharpton?

      Come on. We know how the media works in America today. Everything is about good looks, physical attraction — whether it’s people or products. And of course, the former is connected to the latter. Sell, sell, sell.

      Superficial. Facade. Sound familiar? “Sell the sizzle, not the steak”. Doesn’t matter if the thing works — it just has to look good. To the customer. Who’s a SUCKER.

      Isn’t this why the Big-3 automakers are going down the toilet? I should know, I was suckered into Chrysler’s good looks for most of the last 31 years — and I was hood-winked. Great looking cars — but constantly breaking-down. And right now I’m watching CNN about a car show, and what is the first line on the screen? “Sleek lines” — see? Looks, that’s all that matters.

      So back to Palin. Yep, she’s like a Chrysler. And that’s why you want her on your Oprahs and your Lettermans and on the glossy cover of a book. Does she have to DO anything? Does she (as a ‘product’) have to perform? Absolutely not. Just look good –

    5. Becca Says:

      OMG! This Sarah Palin just does not get it! We do not want to see her. SHe needs to just stay there in Alaska and mind the business there as far as I’m concerned. And as it looks as many other people feel the same way about her. She is not a speaker by no means. I know I’m not either nor a writer. SO I try to stay away from both. LOL! I just can not stay from putting together an e-mail here.Palin is just decusting! And she is just making all of American laugh. And most of all when she said that OBAMA has to choose like she did as governor all the people under him! HUH! I wonder if OBAMA can do this?? Sarah telling him what he has to do as she did being governor of Alaska in choosing who will be working under OBAMA! OMG! Mr Obama please pick Mickey and Minnie mouse. Alaska is just a pea in size. I really do not know what she thinks Persident of the US is! Thank God OBAMA was elected to be our president. This Palin Lady just says and has so much comming out of her mouth that everyone is laughing at her. I think she still had better shut up while she is a head. I know nothing and I know I could be Govenor of Alaska. She has no commies her brain is just dead. She can not even see that the only reason TV stations and shows want her is because right now she is only interesting for a good laugh and people will just watch for now to see what is comming out of her mouth next. She is always going to be a nobody like she has been and will always be. If she thinks all this TV coverage is good for her so she can run for something again again. I have got news for her she will not win again. All I can say is every time she opens her mouth she makes it all worse for her self. Hummmmmmmmm just wonder what she would do if she was a turkey? And then come to find out she was in a slauder house? And then being shown on TV while there getting ready to be on someones table for thanks giving! She is really a sick woman! GIVE IT UP PALIN!

    6. Janis Gore Says:

      Oh, dear. “A little levity”?

      I can’t believe that she knew that was going on in the background of the shot.

      And you’re right, the background should have some bearing on the content of the interview.

      It would be weird, too, if she were talking about special needs children in front of fishing boats.

    7. JAMES DYLAN Says:

      The reported demand for Sarah Palin to appear on TV shows could, if it were anyone else, be seen as a compliment to her.When we hear of such a huge demand we forget that the motivation for most of these shows to see her is that they bring huge audiences who wait, on tenterhooks, for Palin to have another political and personal ‘pratfall’in front of everyone, as she did at the turkey farm.

      The one show I have yet to hear inviting her on to their program is The Maury Povich Show where every abberation of disfunctional human nature and every form of abuse and self abuse is paraded as if it were to be admired. The only trouble with Palin appearing on Maury’s show is that she’d probably run into too many family there !

    8. Becca Says:

      The Maury Show! Oh what a good Idea. Really that is the show for her for sure. But you are right so many of her family would be there as well or already have been on that show. This woman is a real hoot no matter how you look at it. I really think that she is thinking down the road that this will make her a movie star! HUH! She needs to worry about saving the polar bears and stay off TV! This Sarah is a real joke.

    9. GEORGIA Says:


    10. JohnRJ08 Says:

      Not so fast, Georgia. Try visiting blogs like “” or “” and posting anything remotely negative about Palin. It’s like tossing a bleeding cow into the Amazon river. It’s like watching a frenzy feed. Your post is immediately set upon by people who absolutely adore this woman and would march off a cliff behind her. That’s what is terrifying. The dumbing down of America in action.

    11. DJR Says:

      The undecided public awaits the entrance of the great plan. The decisions made. but people also decided they liked Sarah. It is not whether you agree or disagree, it is not whether you approve or disapproved, people liked Sarah Palin As Coric sat on Dave she admitted the Bush doctrine was a set up. Oh thats nice. as for VP’s there hasn”t been a good one since Johnson, he resigned and he was before Sarah. Bush Sr.? When no one wanted to stand with Grandpa she did. When Obama said that his family and wife were off limits Sarah said sure, they are my life and I’m running for a public office. Then she spoke, she moved all over America, she ran and she kicked butt!! Even after the Coric interview her rallies picked up speed. More people showed and then more. Guess they, the strong 47 like hearing about GOD. Like hearing about family. Like hearing about laws that protect individuals from decisions that may echo into the next life. They approve of Sarah. They defend Sarah because she is Sarah. Normal mistake ridden Sarah. Sarah’s not a lawyer, doctor, CPA thats who runs Washington. (elite) She isn’t a graduate of Harvard or Princeton. She’s a farmer, a railroader, a cheese maker, a grocery clerk, insurance worker, PTA mom, turkey farmer and what they don’t count? Envision your life without them. Then you have the media… Coric felt the laughs and was embarrassed. The turkey reporters I would have fired, and news producers decide what’s good for the viewer. The reporter and camera man were in charge of the set. They chose the background. The camera man even chuckles at one point. It was their interview, their job integrity their showcase. They showed no integrity of their profession and failed to protect the person who gladly gave them an opportunity to interview. Even Oprah, and Barbra W. want that. Finally I defend her, because she defended me!

    12. Matthew Says:

      Thanks for the link Dr. Taylor, I missed this one somehow. I think that more than an intelligence issue she has, stands the issue of one of disconnect. Albeit, Alaska is a member of the Union, and as such is an aliquot of society, it is not indicative of the society as a whole. She is so disconnected from the median of society, that an effort to assume a persona is still not examined without great reservations. I have become very disinterested with the media bias spin, as it works in both directions; i.e. the terrorism, Islamic, and nefarious tilt that was placed on Obama. Even the interviews that were set up by Palin’s own staffers were botched on such an elementary level that even if it did in fact amount to a media bias, there is a side issue of gross incompetence that must be addressed. Thankfully for powers of the GOP, there will be plentiful opportunity to disconnect her from their conservative base before the next election; it now becomes a question of whether to “double down” and stay with her, or attempt to swing to a more mainstream platform, i.e. the Reagan years and the “Republican Revolution.”

    13. vince Says:

      I think the Democrats and the media (which is mostly Democratic) are trying to suddenly give Palin prime time views. Its not because they like her, they want to show how misinformed and ignorant she is. She did cost McCain the Presidency. I’m not sure why some Republicans want her to run in 2024. Are you kidding me?
      There are many more well qualified Republicans that can run. Don’t tell me they have run out of options. Jesus Christ!

    14. Sue Says:

      I am intrigued by what goes thru the interviewers’s mind when they are interviewing Palin. Do they try not to laugh ? Do they try hard not to show what they really think of her - like gee, she is really a simpleton ? Of course the Fox News’s reporters like Hannity, Greta are like sick puppies when they are interviewing her.

      Right now, Palin is out to get whatever publicity she can. Well, I would say let her star burn as brightly as possible now and it will crash eventually.

    15. Linda Says:

      The public wanting to see Palin is akin to drivers slowing down to check out the gruesome details of a traffic accident. That’s the only sense I can make of all these offers. I never slow down to look because I know it messes up the flow of traffic, and this could mess up the Republicans’ chances of running a decent candidate in 2024 rather than running Palin.

    16. JAMES DYLAN Says:

      Of course, if Palin had given us just ONE moment in the past months that we could give her the benefit of the doubt, then perhaps we’d say “..oh, of COURSE she knows what’s going on in the background and she’s just giving the press enough rope to hang themselves, at which point she would jump out of the proverbial bushes, having reversed the ambush, and cry out.” SEE, it’s ‘gotcha journalism’ again, whad’I tell ya !!”

      ….or else ” My hunting fans that got off on a woman Governor slaughtering wolves wholesale from a helicopter will suck up all this turkey gore just the way these squeamish smartypants socialists love Randy in that that show “My Name Is Earl !”.

      Some hope.But..Hollywood here she comes for sure..she’ll make a ‘killing’..oh..and THEN follow her idol , that Bobblehead Reagan, to the White House !!

      Now I get her..(logic?).

    17. Bearman Says:

      I feel sorry for how she has been treated. But then again it couldn’t stop me from thinking it was funning and creating a cartoon about it. See it at Bearman Cartoons Blog

    18. RITA Says:


    19. KK Says:

      Why is it, if Sarah Palin is so smart (smart enough to be President, of all things), that she cannot see her own deficiencies? That is what makes a person ’smart’ — no Harvard, Yale or Cal Tech degree needed. The ability to be introspective and examine one’s own performance is very, very important. In the case of Sarah Palin, one might think (if she is so ’smart’) that she would win more supporters if only she would allow herself to wonder just what went wrong in hers and McCain’s quest for office. Instead of denying any culpability whatsoever, she could possibly win over some converts if she could display one iota of selflessnes to that end. Instead, she just looks like a desperate publicity hound, proving over and over her fatal attraction.

    20. Ditto - The World Around You Says:

      [...] because I’d rather ignore Palin entirely, but I agree with his assessment 100%: PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Look, it’s Just Plain Weird. Sphere: Related Content Tags: Sarah [...]

    21. Linda Says:

      Per DJR: “As Coric sat on Dave she admitted the Bush doctrine was a set up.”

      There was no such thing said at all, and you should be ashamed to be spreading that lie. If you listen to the tape she says they were “not easy questions” for which Palin was prepared to answer. She was trying to be generous as I don’t think she wanted to do any Palin bashing the way Letterman wanted to do.

      DJR: “… they, the strong 47 like hearing about GOD”

      Evidently, the majority does not. That is no different than us having to hear terrorists preach about Allah. Religion has no place in politics. Until the Republicans realize that their “holier than thou” position is not a political platform and their claim to possess a “direct line to God” that is not accessible to Democrats, they will lose more and more members. There are Democrats far more “religious” than some Republicans, but their religion is a personal issue, not a foreign policy mantra. Palin preaches that the Republicans are the religious “elite”.

      DJR: “Normal mistake ridden Sarah.”

      It’s not normal for a person seeking an executive position in the US government to not know the countries involved in NAFTA, or the what the Bush doctrine is, and every other pertinent question she could not coherently answer. Maybe normal mistakes for Sarah, or you, or me, but not for the person who is a heartbeat away from the presidency.

      DJR: “She isn’t a graduate of Harvard or Princeton. She’s a farmer, a railroader, a cheese maker, a grocery clerk, insurance worker, PTA mom, turkey farmer and what they don’t count?”

      Yes, they count, but they sure can’t run a country in a world arena. Yes, when a world crisis occurs I want someone in charge who was smart enough to graduate from Harvard or Princeton, someone who has studied micro and macro economics, foreign policy, government, international law, etc., and the history behind all of those subjects rather than a “farmer, a railroader, a cheese maker, a grocery clerk, insurance worker, PTA mom, turkey farmer”. How silly. You can adore Palin for all the wonderful things she is, but please realize all the things she isn’t and for one she’s not smart enough to be the VP of the US. She would make a great pastor of a church.

      DJR: “Then you have the media… Coric felt the laughs and was embarrassed.”

      On this I do not know to what you are referring, but it’s a good opportunity for me to defend Couric against another lie about what she has said. Check the tapes that are available. Couric asked Palin what she reads, or has read prior to being vetted for the VP position to which Palin refuses to answer. (I’m not saying why, I’m just saying she chose not to name anything.) Palin in a subsequent interview with Matt Lauer attacked Couric for being insulting with her question of what do you read “up there in Alaska”. Couric never said that, and Palin knows darn well she was lying when she accused Couric of that, she was just hoping the ill informed public hadn’t seen the Couric interview. She was digging deep to explain why she didn’t answer Couric; supposedly she was insulted. Let’s face it, since Couric never said that, and Palin knows she didn’t, she’s a liar. Palin used that tactic throughout her stumping: tell a lie or deny a truth, and hope the general public is too stupid or lazy to know any better or to bother to find out the truth.

      DJR: “….the turkey reporters: they showed no integrity of their profession and failed to protect the person who gladly gave them an opportunity to interview. Even Oprah, and Barbra W. want that.”

      The media has no obligation to protect the interviewee from making a fool of themselves. Palin can’t defend herself from Palin; she’s her own worst enemy. It’s no one’s responsibility to “make her look good”, she either is good or she isn’t. Reporters are supposed to report what they see and what they hear, it’s not their job to “set it up” to make the interviewee look smarter than they are. I don’t think Oprah or Barbara W. need or want that “courtesy”. Why is Palin always portrayed as the victim every time she says or does something stupid? Why does she need so many “extra” courtesies?

      DJR: “Finally I defend her, because she defended me!”

      I don’t know who you are or from what she defended you, but I can tell you this, your future is in far better hands with Obama. In time you will see that.

    22. JAMES DYLAN Says:

      Hogwash, DJR !!

      There are two clichés that fit here.’Misery Loves Company’ and ‘Birds’ (’Turkeys) of a Feather, Flock Together.’

      The Palin ‘phenomenon’ was/is, strictly due to the fact that those Americans that decided to stop learning long before leaving high school (notice, I did not say ‘graduating’)and who are, to say the least, intellectually challenged, feel much more comfortable with a leader who does not try to raise their game a single notch’ prefering to leave them in their state of ignorance so that they are not faced with the nasty prospect of dealing with the possibility that they are just plain unable to comprehend complex situations and who, instead, believe naiively in simplistic ‘reactions’ rather than well thought out solutions.

      What they end up getting , as they did with Reagan and Bush, are leaders who manipulate their supporters’ stupidity for their own gain.Hence the bobblehead Reagan, the winking, bumbling ‘ Mission Accomplished’ Bush and the ‘Whad’I tellya’ Palin !

    23. JohnRJ08 Says:

      The fact that people showed up and cheered at Palin rallies during the campaign is not an indication that she was a quality candidate any more than it proves that a rockstar is good musician just because fans go wild at his concerts. What it does prove is that there are many people in this country who would rather see a right-wing, illiterate white woman elected than an eloquent Constitutional scholar who happens to be African-American. In fact, what was most disturbing to me about this election is that Sarah Palin had the appeal that she had. That’s why people are still interested in her now. Many Americans are still trying to figure out what her supporters could possibly be seeing in her. The only vice president in American history who would have been less educated than Sarah Palin is Andrew Johnson, who never went to college at all. If you add up all the statements she has made in various interviews, you can’t name one where she didn’t butcher the language and have trouble forming complete sentences. Forget such remarks as her being able to see Russia from Alaska and not knowing what newspapers she reads to keep informed. The ability to communicate complex issues is one of the most basic skills for any president or vice president. The fact that Palin is a pro-life creationist who thinks mankind walked side-by-side with living dinosaurs puts her completely out of step with the vast majority of the country’s adult population, as well as most foreign heads of state. You can have a president where more than half the country disagrees with his or her policies, but you can’t have a president that a majority of the people think is an embarrassment to the nation. Not to put too fine of a point on it, but Sarah Palin is nothing more than a well-dressed boogie hanging from the nose of the United States. The world is just waiting for all of us to sneeze and move on.

    24. Samie Werner Says:

      Sarah Palin need to understand, she is not going no where?
      she demostrated American how Big ignarant she is about everything including 4th grade geography, what else she need to proof?

    25. Craig S. Says:

      This woman is a complete joke. Does she ever think before she does anything?

    26. nuss Says:

      I read all kinds of blogs, and I’ve discovered that Sarah Palin is a bellwether for the kinds of people who read the various blogs. This blog obviously is patronized by left-wing pseudo-intellectuals who believe they are qualified to pass judgement on the intelligence of people they probably have never met. I don’t know how smart Sarah Palin is, but does anyone seriously believe that a stupid person could successfully campaign for mayoral and gubenatorial office? And then do a credible job in those offices? To call her stupid is just wishful thinking and smacks of jealousy based on the self-doubts of the Palin basher. These bashers seem not to understand that Palin’s supporters like her because she is transparent…a real person. A breath of fresh air compared to the typical, pseudo-intellectual, say-anything-to-win politician of today. Look at the rogue’s gallery of the republican and democratic primaries. There wasn’t a real person among them, until Sarah Palin arrived on the scene. Other blogs I read are as full of comments that support Sarah Palin as this one is full of Palin bashing comments. One remarkable aspect of the Palin phenomenon is that she starkly exposes today’s corrupt and biased media (journalists, talk show talking heads, etc.) for what they are. Even some journalists are bemoaning the loss of professional journalism in America.

    27. JohnRJ08 Says:

      “Left-wing pseudo-intellectuals”? That remark has the ring of hypocrisy, since you’ve done exactly what you accuse others of doing here– passing judgment on people whom you’ve never met. If you don’t know how “smart” Sarah Palin is, then your powers of observation and critical skills need some fine-tuning. Palin herself has provided more than ample evidence of her lack of intellect. Her horrid communication skills have been displayed numerous times, and it is clear that she has no understanding of the language she was raised with, nor does she have any clue as to what her own limitations are. The mark of an idiot is one who thinks they can accomplish a task even though they have none of the basic skills that task requires. Palin won her mayoral office in a small town where 5,000 people obviously liked her folksy charm and greatly disliked her opponent. She was elected governor in a state that had a corrupt incumbent and fewer voters than most cities in America. Whether or not she has done an “incredible job” is another question, which requires a knowledge of her office’s demands that you do not have. Clearly, Palin crusaded in a few areas and did acceptably well, but how do you know what a more competent governor might have done in the same circumstances? There’s no comparison on which one could base a judgment. So, all we are left with is what has come out of Sarah Palin’s own mouth, which has been mostly indecipherable drivel that would require an interpreter to understand. If you think what you saw in the campaign wasn’t a performance and that you were looking at the real Sarah Palin, you’re just another naive voter who bought into her teleprompter skills. I’ve also visited several blogs as well. The blogs which are supportive of Palin, such as and, are also rabid haters of Barack Obama and anything that is remotely progressive. Palin is criticized here because she continues to perpetrate a hoax on the country, trying to present herself as a capable woman of the people when, in reality, she’s just another ambitious politician who believes that mankind walked alongside living dinosaurs and has shockingly little knowledge of the country she thinks she’s capable of leading. If the GOP ever wants to win another national election in the next 20 years, they’ll ditch her faster than a Jamaican sprinter.

    28. nuss Says:

      This reply confirms my original comment.

    29. JohnRJ08 Says:

      And this reply is called a “non-response response”. Hypocrite.

    30. JAMES DYLAN Says:

      Take note all ye who honestly believe that Sarah Palin is a worthy candidate for my White House.

      “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

      Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)
      16th president of US (1809 - 1865)

    31. JohnRJ08 Says:

      It’s a remarkable phenomenon to observe. That two people can look at the same person and hear her say the same exact words, yet come away with diametrically opposed opinions of that person’s competence. Before McCain introduced Palin at the Republican National Convention, I had a completely open mind. McCain had a number of excellent conservative women to choose from who were highly competent and experienced, yet he slumped over and did the bidding of the RNC when he announced Palin as his running-mate. It was grotesquely obvious what went on behind closed doors at the RNC, and then what an ignormaus this woman was during the campaign that one has to wonder what is really driving all the admiration being heaped upon her. I’m a little cynical and think it’s probably white male anger that an African-American was elected. I just can’t see any other explanation for the inexplicable adoration of this small town politician who still can’t speak her own native language at 44 years of age. I never seen anybody on any of these blogs who expressed anything positive about Palin who also didn’t hate Barack Obama and think he’s a closet Muslim, Marxist terrorist. We have to face up to the fact that significant portion of our country’s population would feel right at home wearing a pillow-case and a sheet.

    32. gippergal Says:

      Admittedly, the footage is bizarre to most Americans. Why someone didn’t stop the taping for a second and shift the background is beyond me.

      That being said, it’s difficult to explain to urban dwellers exactly what life in the country can be like.

      What actually concerns me, here, is both that the media has ignored some great clips from her interview with Greta van S., and this is the topic we’re discussing instead - that, and my worry that Gov. Palin is getting a small chip on her shoulder about coming from a rural background. We don’t need that to feed to the leftist illuminati, either.

    33. JohnRJ08 Says:

      The issue wasn’t what was going on in the background during that interview. It was what Palin said and how totally disconnected it was. Animals are being slaughtered in the background and she’s talking about “a little levity.” Then she admits in the same interview that the turkey she has just pardoned is going to be her family’s Thanksgiving dinner. That’s just plain stupid. And Greta Van Sustren presented Palin with a friendly audience that was there to promote her, rather than to ask her any tough questions or follow-ups. A lot of people in “rural” America don’t get Palin, either. It sounds to me like you have a monolithic view of people– that we’re all either city-folks or country-folks. That’s a very simplistic way to respond to the criticisms of this woman. There are plenty of very smart ranchers and farmers who are articulate and well-informed. It’s an insult to them to say that they would automatically support someone just because they’re folksy and not from the big city.

    34. Texas Libertarian Says:

      In response to Samie Werner:

      Sarah Palin need to understand, she is not going no where?
      she demostrated American how Big ignarant she is about everything including 4th grade geography, what else she need to proof?

      Excuse me? You’re making comments about ignorance? Where’s your dictionary from, West Virginia? The state that will continue to elect one of the most self serving, corrupt politicians in history until he can no longer hold his palsy-ridden head above the bib he has to wear?

      For being the party of “tolerance”, you folks sure are assholes.

    35. JAMES DYLAN Says:

      ‘Texas Libertarian’ owes an apology to the young person Samie Werner. My guess is that this person is either of Finnish or of German descent and, if I am right, the ability to speak English is not easily come by.I understood what you were saying.

      I apologize to you, Samie, from the rest of us that, unlike Sarah Palin and her Texan friends, we realize that there is a world beyond the borders of the USA and that we are not at the center of it.

    36. JohnRJ08 Says:

      I whole heartedly agree, James. Only a fool would criticize someone’s grammar on the internet because it is obviously an international medium where many people who do not speak English well or at all often comment. I doubt that the Texas Libertarian could write one tenth as well on a site that only used Finnish, Polish or German. Some people are quick to judge harshly. On the other hand, we have every right to criticize the incoherent, shrill ramblings of a candidate who has a college degree in Journalism and thinks she’s capable of leading the free world. As far as Robert Byrd is concerned, I don’t entirely disagree with criticism of this Senator, who is the poster child for term limits in the Senate. However, this man, unlike many others among us who are much younger than he, has evolved and come a very long way from where he was when first joined the Senate. In any case, as old and palsied as Byrd may be, he’s still ten times the intellect of Sarah Palin.

    37. Texas Libertarian Says:

      But, alternatively, the people outside don’t get a vote. The rest of the world is elated that Obama is president-elect. That’s not necessarily a good thing. Socialism is alive and well in Europe, and they’re happy we voted for Obama in the popularity contest? Nuff said.

      Yes, Byrd has come a long way. Unfortunately, he (like Ted Stevens) also has a history of reaching a long way into the taxpayer’s pockets.

      They’re all corrupt, bought and paid for by lobbyists, and they all need to go.

      Whatever happened to the Constitution?

    38. Texas Libertarian Says:

      Also, I don’t get involved in German or Polish websites devoted to German and Polish politics. I understand that it’s not my business. Evidently, the entire world gets a say in our internal election, although most of the other countries have *no* process that’s even close to ours.

      When was the last time you wrote the New York Yankees to tell them how they should play baseball?

    39. JohnRJ08 Says:

      Ah! I see. You’re one of the people who bought lock, stock & barrel, Sarah Palin’s accusation that Barack Obama is a socialist. I would remind you that none of Obama’s proposals vary greatly from that of at least five other U.S. presidents, including John McCain’s hero, Theordore Roosevelt. Socialism, to a degree, happens to be an unavoidable development in any capitalistic society that wants to avoid the loss of its middle class and higher general standard of living. That’s how people in rural areas get decent roads, high-speed internet access, efficient mail delivery, and many other things like Homeland Security.

      Mr. Werner may be a recent immigrant to the U.S. Happens every day. He could also be disabled in some way. In any case, insulting him wasn’t too bright.

      When was the last time a New York Yankee knew how to read English?

    40. S.K.B Says:

      Haha, it’s difficult to understand how a successful politician can be so completely oblivious–not just to events occuring outside of Alaska, but to what is occurring just a few feet away from her.

      It does not take a squeamish vegetarian to recognize that one should not give a lighthearted interview in front of struggling, bleeding animals. I don’t care if you come from the country or not. A little common sense can save you from this sort of well-deserved ridicule.

    41. Lianne Says:

      Thanks for covering this (and for the shout-out). PETA’s point of view can be found here:, just in time for Thanksgiving as well:

    42. Texas Libertarian Says:

      No, I didn’t buy into the Obama = Socialist argument.

      I think the entire U.S. Government has shifted towards socialism, starting with the Raw Deal programs of the 30’s and 40’s.

      If you read the 10 tenets of Communism from the Communist Manifesto, it’s like a “How to run this country”, written by our politicians (from both parties).

      1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

      2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

      3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.

      4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

      5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

      6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.

      7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

      8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

      9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

      10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c., &c.[6]

      Let me guess, you’re going to try to repudiate each and every one of these, right? Nope. Can’t be done.

      Prove me wrong.

    43. Texas Libertarian Says:

      Socialism, to a degree, happens to be an unavoidable development in any capitalistic society that wants to avoid the loss of its middle class and higher general standard of living.

      I’m going to assume that that was an honest typo…. I don’t think anyone honestly wants to avoid a higher general standard of living.

    44. JohnRJ08 Says:

      As Adam Smith wrote back in 1776, in capitalistic societies wealth naturally accrues to the upper class while the lower income segment expands. As a country’s population grows larger, that lower income group continues to increase in number while its income remains static or drops. This results in a ghettoization process. In order to avoid an economically polarized culture, like we now see in Mexico, the progressive income tax system “redistributes the wealth”, cycling it back to the areas of the poor in the form of enhanced infrastructure, better schools, roads, hospitals, unemployment benefits, etc. That is an obvious form of socialism that was devised in order to avoid the deterioriation of the middle class, which is the class which generates most of the tax revenues in the United States. A shrinking middle class means less revenue, deterioration of infrastructure and educational systems, and a generally lower stand of living for the majority of the population. The social security system itself is a form of socialism which was originally designed to ensure that seniors would have income in their later years, when their earning potential diminished. So, yes, socialistic systems are a necessary aspect of any large country that wants to sustain a generally high standard of living for all of its citizens, rather than just the top 5%. So all this bellyaching about Barack Obama being a socialist is a lot of malarkey.

    45. Linda Says:

      Tex, Lib: “Socialism, to a degree, happens to be an unavoidable development in any capitalistic society that wants to avoid the loss of its middle class and higher general standard of living.”

      I guess that is a bit ambiguous in the way it is written, but I think he means to avoid both: the loss of its middle class and the loss of a higher general standard of living.

    46. JohnRJ08 Says:

      I thought it was fairly clear. Sustaining a high standard of living AND a middle class requires any capitalistic system to adopt SOME socialistic mechanisms since wealth obviously does NOT accrue to the lower income strata. People who parrot back the accusations made by Sarah Palin during the presidential campaign are just reacting reflexively to the use of “isms”, and don’t understand how a big economy works. This campaign tactic was more about instilling fear than delivering fact the minute Palin was chosen as McCain’s running-mate. Marxism, socialism, communism, and terrorism were all terms that were applied to Barack Obama at one time or another by the Republican ticket. And now, despite all of those pathetic attacks, Palin says she would be “honored” to work with the new administration. The vacuum of outerspace is matched only by the void between Sarah Palin’s ears.

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