Thursday, November 27, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

As Thanksgiving Day 2025 comes to a close, I have to say it has been, in my little corner of the world, a lovely day. I have largely avoided my normal daily does of news, instead having had a day of the four F’s: family, food, football and fotografías.1 I certainly have much to be thankful for in regards to my wonderful family pictured below and the food was delicious and plentiful. On a lesser quantum of significance, I can’t argue with the football outcomes and messing with the fotos was quite relaxing…

I am also thankful for the magic of the internet and blogging (not to mention e-mail), which, amongst other things, allows me to have far more contact with distant friends (another “F”!) in ways that otherwise would not be possible (I hope you all had a fine day).2

I will say, that as we all have so much to be thankful for, and even with my own self-imposed news avoidance (mostly), I have to admit that my mind has often gone to the the horrible events in Mumbai. On that subject, I recommend this post on that topic from one of the aforementioned distant friends.

Cheers to you all.

  1. i.e., all the photoblogging []
  2. I am especially reminded of this, as not only do I frequent their blogs, I have had direct communication from several of them today–truly a marvel of modern tech. []
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One Response to “Thankful”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Don Says:

      Lovely family, great photo.

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