Sunday, November 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Back when Kathleen Parker criticized the Palin pick, I remember seeing several statements by other conservative commentators that she (and others) were only trying to get approval from the liberal media.

Now, James Dobson joins that chorus and even ousts Parker from conservatism: ‘We Won’t Be Silenced’

Whatever she once was, Ms. Parker is certainly not a conservative anymore, having apparently realized it’s a lot easier to be popular among your journalistic peers when your keyboard tilts to the left.

So, if one criticizes, one is ousted? That isn’t an especially healthy attitude for Dobson and his allies to take.

Beyond that, Dobson is actually helping make Parker’s point insofar as he is clearly calling for a rigid alliance between conservative Republicans and a particular view of evangelical Christianity which one can only deviate from at one’s peril.

This strikes me as an unhealthy recipe for revitalization of the GOP, regardless of one’s views of the role of religion in politics.

h/t: John Cole

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One Response to “Thou Shalt not Criticize”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Barry Says:

      “So, if one criticizes, one is ousted? That isn’t an especially healthy attitude for Dobson and his allies to take.”

      It’s very healthy – for Dobson & Co. They have an interest in making sure that they are the gatekeepers, at least unless and until they lose too many elections. And better to lose than to win, in a coalition where they don’t have gatekeeping power.

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