Wednesday, January 14, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Guerrillas flee FARC camp with abductees –

Two guerrillas fled their camp Tuesday deep in the forests of southern Colombia with two kidnap victims that they used in exchange for their freedom, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense said Tuesday.


The incident occurred at dawn, when two members left the camp with a 14-year-old boy and an adult man, both of whom had been kidnapped in December. The rebels brought the two victims to Medellin del Ariari in Meta Department, south of Bogota, the spokesman said.


Guerrillas now have escaped with kidnap victims five times in the past month.

This is quite fascinating, as these types of incidences seem to indicate that there are increasing numbers of FARC militants who do not see the FARC lifestyle as a viable long-term option. This has not been the case until recently. Of course, by the same token, the number of deserters relative to the overall force is still quite small. Still, this is noteworthy.

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2 Responses to “Two FARC Guerrillas Defect with Kidnap Victims in Tow”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Ratoe Says:

      While you’re on the subject of Columbia, I’ve been expecting you to do a post on the recently declassified CIA documents attesting to the fact that the US was cognizant of the body count mentality that fueled the “false positives” scandal.

      It seemed like new information:

    2. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      I noted the headline, but didn’t have time to get to it at the time, but did want to come back to it–thanks for the reminder.

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