The Collective
Tuesday, July 7, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the Miami Herald: Costa Rica’s Oscar Arias to mediate in Honduran crisis

Costa Rican President Oscar Arias will step in to mediate the dispute between the dueling Honduran administrations, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday.

”We call upon all parties to refrain from acts of violence, and to seek a peaceful, constitutional and lasting solution to the serious divisions in Honduras through dialogue,” Clinton said at a news briefing, adding that Arias “is willing to serve as a mediator. And we have received word that the de facto caretaker president, [Roberto] Micheletti, will also agree to President Arias serving in this role.”

What the talks would be about, where they would be held and when they would being was not noted in the story.

Arias has a long history of mediation in the region. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987 as a result of his efforts to broker peace in Central America during the volatile 1980s.

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3 Responses to “Arias to Mediate Honduras Crisis”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Ratoe Says:

      My first reaction is: Arias is STILL President of Costa Rica?

      Wasn’t there a period when he was out of office?

    2. Steven L. Taylor Says:

      Yep–I think he returned to office in 2025 or thereabouts.

    3. The Zelaya Threshold (Signifying Nothing: Will start a RIOT! in you) Says:

      [...] related news, Costa Rican president Óscar Arias has agreed to mediate the crisis with the consent of both Zelaya and the interim Honduran government. Related ↓ [...]

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