The Collective
Friday, July 24, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

It comes from Alex Knapp:

Another metaphysical possibility demonstrating that Obama is not a
citizen is Norse Mythology. Prominent in Norse myth is the God Loki,
who is a trickster god associated with fire and magic. Loki, like other
gods, has enormous power over the universe. Indeed, in the Marvel
Comics saga Ultimates 2, it was revealed that Loki has the
power to shuffle the very fabric of space and time itself, making
things disappear from perception. Loki used these powers in the Ultimates 2 saga to ensure that Thor was captured and imprisoned so that he could not interfere with Loki’s conquest of Asgard.

Clearly, Loki could have used his powers to change the fabric of
space-time in order to make it appear that Obama was born in Hawaii
when he, in fact, wasn’t. But why would Loki do such a thing?
Simple. Loki is fated, according to Norse myth, to bring about Ragnarok–the
end of the world. However, it is clear from the sagas that Ragnarok
must be preceded by Fimbulvetr, the winter of winters. Fimbulvetr is
described as being three years of winter with no summer in between.

What does this have to do with Obama? It’s simple. Obama has
been essential in pushing through cap and trade legislation through the
United States Congress, and his Administration has made it a major part
of its agenda. But as Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle point out in
their tome Fallen Angels,
preventing the greenhouse effect would lead the Earth into a
devastating ice age. In other words, Obama’s Cap and Trade Agenda
will directly lead to Fimbulvetr. As no real American would sponsor
legislation that would lead to the Twilight of the Gods, it was
necessary for Loki to use his powers to make Obama appear to be an
American citizen so that Obama’s election to the Presidency would
be assured.

Clearly, Loki’s influence into American Presidential elections
should be stopped and Obama should be immediately impeached for making
use of a foreign power to obtain the Presidency.

And there you go.1

I would recommend, by the way, the whole of Alex’s essay on the subject.

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  1. Indeed, “As no real American would sponsor
    legislation that would lead to the Twilight of the Gods” is one of the best clauses I have read in some time. []
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3 Responses to “The Best #Birther Theory Yet”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Sheri Says:

      This is too much fun! I must figure out a way to put coming up with Birther conspiracies into a game!

    2. Alabama Moderate Says:

      I want a theory that involves the TARDIS and the phrase “wibbly wobbly time wimey”. Is that so much to ask? Instead, we give credit to Thor for ripping the fabric of space and time? Pure sacrilege, I say.

    3. Steven L. Taylor Says:

      The TARDIS has come to mind on several occasions in regards to this affair, to be sure ;)

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