Friday, July 31, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the AP:Alabama ban of wine with nude nymph on label is marketing boon

The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board recently told stores and restaurants to quit serving Cycles Gladiator wine because of the label. Board attorney Bob Martin said the stylized, art-nouveau rendition of a nude female with a flying bicycle violated the conservative state’s rules against displaying “a person posed in an immoral or sensuous manner.”


The wine’s label is copied from an 1895 French advertising poster for Cycles Gladiator bicycles. It shows a side view of a full-bodied nymph flying alongside a winged bicycle.

Martin said the ABC Board rejected the label last year, which meant the product wasn’t supposed to be sold in Alabama. A citizen recently sent a bottle to the board to show it was still being sold in the state, prompting the letter to restaurants and stores to stop sales, he said.

Here’s the offending graphic in question:

Multiple thoughts occur, almost simultaneously.

1. Really? This is offensive enough to ban?

2. We are spending taxpayer dollars to make sure that no one sees silhouettes of naked nymphs on wine bottles?

3. Who is the world takes the time to report this to the ABC Board?

4. I see more offensive things than that on the cover of magazines and tabloids at the check-out stand at the grocery store.

5. I hope these people never go into, you know, art museums and stuff.

6. Good job confirming stereotypes about Alabama and the South, ABC Board!

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One Response to “From the “You Gotta be Kidding me” File (Naked Wine Lady v. Alabama)”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Ratoe Says:

      6. Good job confirming stereotypes about Alabama and the South, ABC Board!

      “Winegate” is surely not helping–neither is the Kos/Research 2025 Poll that found only 47% Southern respondents believing Obama was born in the US. (Compared to 93% in the Northeast, 90% in the West, & 87% in the West).

      Assuming the methods on the Kos poll are sound, I am wondering why there is such a strong regional discrepancy.

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