Tuesday, September 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the LAT: Honduran official may reinstate civil liberties

Faced with a barrage of criticism abroad and, more importantly, from allies at home, the de facto president of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, appeared to retreat Monday from his decision to suspend crucial civil liberties.

Micheletti said he would consult with the Supreme Court and other institutions and hoped to repeal the decree “at the most opportune moment.” He apologized to the Honduran people but again blamed President Manuel Zelaya, the man he ousted in a coup in June, for making drastic measures necessary.

The emergency decree, issued only a day earlier, bans public gatherings, restricts the press and makes it easier for the army to arrest people.

While it is good that pressure may cause a reversal on these moves, it is noteworthy that the decree was issued in the first place. To wit: the defenders of the coup have constantly tried to cast it as some sort of pro-democracy move. And yet, the Micheletti government hasn’t exactly covered itself in democratic glory since it took power.

And yes, I recognize that Zelaya’s appearance at the Brazilian embassy has sparked a crisis, however I would make two points. First, the Micheletti government has been abusing things like press rights and the right to assemble well before Zelaya’s return. Second, the quality of a regime (like a person) is revealed by the way it deals with a crisis.

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