Thursday, March 11, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Giant Noemi

Noemi Sanin is a former cabinet minister and ambassador and is a precandidate for the Conservative Party’s nomination to run for the presidency. The primary (consulta) is this weekend (3/14/10).

She is facing Andrés Felipe Arias. While it is highly unllikely that a PC candidate will win in May, it matters greatly who wins the primary, as if Arias wins he is more likely to form an alliance with La U’s Juan Manuel Santos, and perhaps even drop out before the first round (speculation on my part, but reasonable speculation). Sanin, though she worked in the Uribe administration (as an ambassador–both to Spain and UK, i.e., not unimportant posts), opposed a third term for Uribe and would like stay in the fight.

Indeed, Arias’ nickname is uribito or "Little Uribe" both because of his politics and his physical appearance. Indeed, Arias is more of a direct heir to Uribe, according to some, than is Juan Manuel Santos.

This was taken on the edge of the Zona Rosa near the Andino mall.

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2 Responses to “Giant Noemi”

  • el
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    1. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Partido Conservador Primary Neck-and-Neck Says:

      [...] It would appear that the contest to determine the presidential candidate for the Partido Conservadora remains in deadline and is headed for what they like to call down here a “voto-finish".”   The candidates are Andrés Felipe Arias (also known as uribito, i.e., “Little Uribe” and Noemí Sanín. [...]

    2. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » An Interesting Advertising Choice… Says:

      [...] their campaigns.  There are, for example, long-standing tactics of using campaign posters and storefront HQs in Colombian elections.  There is also, as I have noted, a lot of face-to-face campaigning as [...]

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