Wednesday, March 17, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Pardo and Gaviria

Rafael Pardo and his running mate, Anibal Gaviria

Taken in the Plaza de Bolivar during a campaign event for Rafael Pardo, Liberal Party presidential candidate.

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2 Responses to “Pardo and Gaviria”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Ratoe Says:

      Let me say these Columbia pics are awesome.

      I don;t know a damn thing about Columbia, but I am impressed by the sheer access you seem to have.

      Question: are campaigns run in a much more “open” fashion in Columbia than, say, in the US?

      I’m basing this solely on your pics, but it seems that there is a much less “orchestrated” feel to the campaign in Columbia than, say, we would expect in the US where everything is so scripted.

      Is this a valid observation?

    2. Steven L. Taylor Says:


      Yes, I would say that it is a valid observation. This was the most formal event I have seen, and my 300mm lens helps with the intimate feel, but I was radically close for a walk-up if we were talking about a US campaign event. The one the other day was in a restaurant, and was very intimate.

      This one was actually quite scripted. There were basically 10 social groups represented, with each giving a prepared statements (I listened to 4 or 5, left to grab a bite to eat, and came back just in time for them to be done) and then Pardo gave a speech and they gathered around a table to sign the social pacts. There was a crowd around the table meant no good photos of that.

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