Tuesday, March 23, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

On the one hand, it would be nice if our public officials could be mindful of open mics.  On the other, let’s all be realistic and recognize that yes, indeed, politicians often use R-rated (or worse) language (much like people in all walks of life, I should think).

Via the NYT’s The Caucus:  At White House, Biden’s Expletive Caught on Open Mike.

And, I would note, this is a bipartisan (omnipartisan?) observation.

On the one hand, I understand why there things make the “news” and on the other they just seem so frivolous.

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3 Responses to “Yes, Virginia, Politicians Sometime use Salty Language”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Max Lybbert Says:

      The only thing I find interesting about this story is that Biden felt a need to tell the President that this was a big deal. Kind of like the uncle who tells his nephew to stop causing trouble at a wedding. Does Biden see himself as the mentor, or does he just think that Obama wouldn’t realize that passing a bill after a year of fighting counts as a big deal?

    2. Steven L. Taylor Says:

      It struck me as a version of “congratulations” or “good job.” People often say things that they know are obvious is such situations–like a member of the New Orleans Saint saying “this is awesome!” after winning the Super Bowl or somesuch, yes? I can’t imagine that Biden actually thought he was conveying information to Obama.

    3. Steven L. Taylor Says:

      And, of course, one cannot discount the generic Biden Factor in the whole thing :)

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