Monday, October 4, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC:  Rousseff falls short of outright win in Brazil election

Brazil’s presidential election will go to a second round after Dilma Rousseff failed to gain the 50% of votes needed for an outright victory.

With 98% of votes counted, President Lula’s former cabinet chief has 47% with Jose Serra trailing on 33%.

The two will contest a run-off vote in four weeks’ time.

A strong showing by the Green Party candidate, Marina Silva, who polled 19%, may have cost Ms Rousseff a first-round win.

With a 14 gap between the top voter-getter and the second place finisher, the results of the final round are basically a foregone conclusion.  This is certainly a good example of where the use of an instant run-off would have saved time and expense (or several other variations).

There is little doubt that Rouseff is a shoe-in for final victory.  As the BBC puts it:

Many analysts believe a scandal involving her directly would be the only scenario under which she could lose a runoff.

In other, as I like to say, unless she shoot a man in Reno (or in this case, Rio) just to watch him die, she’s in.

My question would be:  who are the analysts not included in the “many” above who think that there is a chance of any other outcome?

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2 Responses to “No Outright Winner in Brazilian Presidential Contest”

  • el
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    1. LaurenceB Says:

      I would pay money to see the nuclear meltdown that would be the reaction of the Becks and Limbaughs to a U.S. candidate with Rouseff’s background.

      Once you’ve misled everyone who listens to you by labeling a moderate Democrat like Obama a Marxist-Communist Revolutionary, what crazy hyperbole do you have left for the real Marxist-Communist Revolutionaries?

      That would be great fun. But, alas, I guess it will never happen.

      I’m sure Rouseff’s first state visit to Washington will incite some crazy stuff from the Fox Newsers, etc. – but that’s so dog-bites-man nowadays. “Obama pals around with Commiess” has been done to death. Boring really.

    2. Steven L. Taylor Says:

      Indeed all around.

      And, of course, Lula has a similar background and has been a pretty good President.

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