Tuesday, December 30, 2025
By Steven Taylor

Eyes on the road — not on the screen.

If you are considering installing a video screen on your dashboard to watch your favorite morning show or catch a flick to break up the monotony of your commute, think again.

Beginning Thursday, a new state law will tighten restrictions on drivers who watch video and television screens while operating their vehicles.

With the explosion of high-tech gadgets and gizmos for vehicles, California lawmakers have overhauled an existing law to attempt to limit at least some distractions for drivers.

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3 Responses to “Only in California”

  • el
  • pt
    1. John Lemon Says:

      This is one regulation that I favor. Katie Couric can do nothing if not increase road rage incidents.

    2. BlameBush Says:

      Great. Next they’ll be telling me I can’t play GTA:Vice City while I’m driving, either.

    3. hawk Says:

      Laws like this are gay. How are they going to enforce it? It’s just another excuse to pull people over.

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