Tuesday, January 20, 2025
By Steven Taylor

I swear that Speaker Hastert could be Drew Carey’s Dad.

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4 Responses to “Hastert’s Love Child?”

  • el
  • pt
    1. bamatexan Says:

      I was wondering why he looked so familiar…

    2. Insults Unpunished Says:

      State Of The Union Address
      The address hasn’t even happened yet and I’m already seeing news items about it in past tense. I know Washington leaks, but can’t reporters just pretend? (1932CT) I’ll be updating this post throughout the night. (2015CT) President Bush mentions the…

    3. The Daily Lemon Says:

      Drew Carey Dennis Hasterts love child!
      Boy o boy, I never looked at it that way, I think he may be on to something! It’s just like I’ve been saying for years, that John Kerry is, in fact, the Snow Miser.PoliBlog…

    4. DANEgerus Weblog Says:

      Hastert’s Love Child: Drew Carey
      PoliBlogger thinks there is some similarities…

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