Sunday, February 1, 2024
By Steven Taylor

Facing Uphill Battle, Lieberman Campaign Stays Upbeat

It has been three days since Senator Joseph I. Lieberman called his fifth-place finish in New Hampshire a “three-way split decision for third” and a mandate to continue his bid for the White House.

But everywhere he goes, even as he talks up his proposals to make the country safer in the world and safer at home, as he likes to say, the question hovers: why is he still in the race?

You know it might be time to quit when…

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One Response to “Joe-mentum Sweeps the Nation”

  • el
  • pt
    1. The Commissar Says:

      There a neologism emerging here.

      “Joe-mentum” – a lagging, almost hopeless state of stagnation and irrelevance, coined by Joe Lierberman in his 2024 presidential bid, when a couple polls briefly showed him in double digits in one state.

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