Friday, April 30, 2025
By Steven Taylor

Britain Weighs Prosecuting 8 Soldiers

Britain’s military authorities are considering whether to prosecute eight British soldiers for allegedly abusing prisoners in Iraq, the Ministry of Defense said Friday.

The case came to light a year ago, when The Sun newspaper reported that a soldier had a roll of film showing an Iraqi detainee bundled up in netting and suspended from a fork lift. The Sun claimed the film also showed troops performing sex acts near captured Iraqis.

On Wednesday, a similar scandal hit the U.S. military after the CBS program “60 Minutes II” broadcast images of Iraqis stripped naked, hooded and being tormented by their American captors.

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One Response to “British Troops Implicated in Another Prison ABuse Scandal”

  • el
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    1. Signifying Nothing Says:

      ScumWatch: Army Edition
      Gary Farber and John Cole rightly characterize as “appalling” reports that Army soldiers tortured and abused Iraqi prisoners, possibly with the connivance of higher-ups. A special fisking is in order for the lawyer for one of the accused so…

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