Thursday, September 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

I think that everyone on TV (and I have flipped around a bit) is trying too hard to declare a winner–and to define what criteria they are using to do so. I think that on substance that it was something of a tie. The lack of major gaffes or memorable sound bites also means it was somewhat dull. Given that the expectation was that this was Bush’s area of expertise, and therefore a chance to knock Kerry out, some will argue that since Kerry didn’t lose, he therefore won.

Here’s the real question: if Kerry gets any momentum, will Kerry be able to stay on message for more than a week?

Still, should be interesting to see how the coverage evolves–it will be three days before we really know who won.

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13 Responses to “Final Thoughts for the Night”

  • el
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    1. Rob M Says:

      I will konw tomorrow when I go over the debate with my students. I think the first 20 minutes will be the most important. I just don’t know how it will play.

      I think they both were better than people expect. That may be good for Kerry.

    2. Jeff Vreeland Says:

      I just see there is no clear winner, more or less Kerry did not do what he needed. Maybe a bias opinion since I am Pro-Bush, but to me he did not do what was needed too gain momentum. Maybe next week’s debate will allow them too “take the gloves off.”

    3. Says:

      Debate Spin
      I basically agree with James Joyner:Overall, Kerry was more polished than Bush. We never saw the charming, congenial side of Bush that connects so well with people. We never saw that side of Kerry, but then we never have. I’m

    4. Eric Says:

      In spite of the pressure of having the Boston Herald watching, I think you did a great job. :) Curious how your site’s ratings were.

    5. Says:

      First Presidential Debate
      In the first presidential debate the topic was foreign policy, which turned heavily towards Iraq for the first 30+ minutes. It is my opinion that John Kerry carried the first portion of the debate, not because of the issues, but because it appeared tha…

    6. The Lonewacko Blog Says:

      The “global test” appears to be the main BushBot (and I use that phrase lovingly) talking point.

      All Kerry was saying is that, all things being equal, it’s better to do things that make us look good rather than doing things that make us look bad.

      There was only about five minutes devoted to homeland security, an area in which Bush is horrendously weak. If, for instance, Ike were president I don’t think he would release illegal aliens who were from terrorist-sponsoring countries into the U.S. When faced with the possibility that terrorists were infiltrating the U.S. via our borders or that Al-Qaida is recruiting local U.S. gang ties I don’t think Ike’s version of Tom Ridge would make the ludicrous claim that there was no sign of terrorists trying to cross border.

      Perhaps during the other debates we’ll have two minutes of sputtering as Bush attempts to apologize away his utter failure to protect the homeland.

    7. The Lonewacko Blog Says:

      The “global test” appears to be the main BushBot (and I use that phrase lovingly) talking point.

      All Kerry was saying is that, all things being equal, it’s better to do things that make us look good rather than doing things that make us look bad.

      There was only about five minutes devoted to homeland security, an area in which Bush is horrendously weak. If, for instance, Ike were president I don’t think he would release illegal aliens who were from terrorist-sponsoring countries into the U.S. When faced with the possibility that terrorists were infiltrating the U.S. via our borders or that Al-Qaida is recruiting local U.S. gang ties I don’t think Ike’s version of Tom Ridge would make the ludicrous claim that there was no sign of terrorists trying to cross border.

      Perhaps during the other debates we’ll have two minutes of sputtering as Bush attempts to apologize away his utter failure to protect the homeland.

    8. RIGHT ON RED >> Says:

      My Reaction to Debate One
      The aristocrat vs the cowboy. Result: a wash.

    9. ISOU Says:

      Arround the Blogsphere…. The Debate V
      Commissar – Good balanced coverage as I would expect. Wizbang – Jay Tea basically whinning. LOL! Rusty – Didnt See it. He was in class. (Working… Unlike the rest of us). I was licking pork chop gravy off my fingers…

    10. Len Murray Says:

      I have not heard anyone mention the one gaff I saw when Kerry stated that the elections wouldn’t work because there were only 25 % of tyhe population ready or able or something like that. This was completely wrong as the per cent of the Iraqi population in the insurgent areas is 25 %, not the per cent that could easily vote in the election in January. Did anyone else notice this?

    11. Peaktalk Says:

      When Jim Lehrer asked confirmation from both Bush and Kerry that nuclear proliferation was the most serious threat facing a president both concurred and Bush added : “In the hands of a terrorist enemy”. Now given what went on before,

    12. bLogicus Says:

      First Debate Round-Up Favors Kerry
      Here is a wrap-up of the Bush Kerry debate from various sources (including a few liberals). My opinion is that Kerry won style and presentation while Bush won substance. However, the public may need a few days for an opinion…

    13. Steven Taylor Says:


      Thanks. Traffic was up, but it was the kind of traffic I tend to get for big political events.


      I do recall hearing him say something along those lines, and thought at the time the number was in error. I am not sure it is the kind of thing that will matter all that much, however.

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