Sunday, October 31, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the AP: Moore to Have Cameras at Polling Places.

Certainly Mr. Moore is a premiere journalist and will no doubt capture only the more honest portrayal of the events in question.

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4 Responses to “And I am Sure He Will Behave with Utter Propriety”

  • el
  • pt
    1. dcapistran Says:

      Maybe local repubs should film Moore filming voters!

    2. Barney's White House Says:

      Michael Moore plans to film
      Poliblog via the AP notes that Michael Moore will have his cameras rolling at polling places. …

    3. paladin Says:

      Isn’t Michael Moore at a polling place with a camera considered “intimidation”?

    4. Ron Says:

      #1 has the right idea. There should be a camera crew filming Moore, so when he edits it to fit his tale, the whole world will see his lie.

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