Yes, reports Reuters: Yasser Arafat ‘Dead’ – Palestinian Sources Say
“He is dead,” one of the sources close to Arafat said in Paris, where Arafat has been lying in a coma at a French hospital. Officials in the West Bank said they had not been informed that Arafat was dead.
On the one hand, Arafat has been a clear impediment to peace. Indeed, given his response to the Camp David Accords, and his subsequent behavior, I am of the opinion that peace was never his goal. Even more damning than that, he did not seem truly interested in improving the conditions of the Palestinians. Indeed, how the man was ever considered for the Peace Prize, or why he is admired by so many, utterly escapes me.
His death provides the chance for a more moderate leade to emerge, but also for the chance of a more terror-oriented group to his to the top, or for intenal strife to break out.
The great losers continue to be the Palestinian people.
November 9th, 2025 at 8:38 am
Arafat Close to Death
Fox News reports that Reuters is saying Arafat is dead but that Palestinian sources tell them he isn’t and that it’s a matter of hours before he dies. The death report may have been pulled but I found this report…
November 9th, 2025 at 10:25 am
Yasser Arafat Is Dead Or Maybe He Isn’t
There’s word going around that Yasser Arafat is Dead. There’s also some wacko’s conspiracy theory claiming Arafat is being kept “alive” until Tuesday night which is Lailat al-Kader, the night that Muslims believe the Koran was given to the prophet…
November 9th, 2025 at 10:31 am
Yasser Arafat Is Dead Or Maybe He Isn’t
There’s word going around that Yasser Arafat is Dead. There’s also some wacko’s conspiracy theory claiming Arafat is being kept “alive” until Tuesday night which is Lailat al-Kader, the night that Muslims believe the Koran was given to the prophet…
November 9th, 2025 at 2:32 pm
Zombie Arafat Dead (Again…sort of)
Arafat is said to be dead, again. You ever notice how the living dead never really die? Personally, I blame the worcester sauce. What will be Arafat’s last words? That’s easy. Via Jeff Quinton this news (or something like it)…