Tuesday, November 9, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Reuters: Actor Sues ‘Catwoman’ for Harassment

Actor Jim Belushi says his next-door neighbor, actress Julie Newmar, is spying on him, destroying his property and calling him names behind his back.


Belushi says that Newmar, 71, destroyed a fence and landscaping on his property, spied on the actor and his family and directed loud music into his backyard.

The star of the ABC sitcom “According to Jim” also accuses Newmar of spreading defamatory statements about him by calling him a “Peeping Tom,” a “voyeur” and “sick.”

The suit, filed last week in Los Angeles County Superior Court and made public on Monday, describes Newmar’s behavior as “an effort to force Belushi to move from his home.”


Newmar was involved in a highly publicized dispute with neighbors several years ago over the din created by gardeners using gas-powered leaf blowers.

Most bizarre.

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