Tuesday, November 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

…another one bites the dust!

Ridge Resigns Homeland Post.

Not a real surprise, actually.

This will be a potentially interesting slot to fill. Among the more intriguing possibilities: Rudy Giuliani and Joe Lieberman (not that I expect either one to get the job).

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4 Responses to “And Another One’s Gone, and Another One’s Gone…”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Cernig Says:

      And Kristol and the rest of the Project for the New American Century are trying to push Rumsfield out next!

    2. Diggers Realm Says:

      Good Riddance Tom Ridge
      Yeah, he’s probably done some good in setting things up at the Department of Homeland Security. That’s all fine and good. What about 10-13 million illegal aliens running around our country and the 4000+ that run across our border everyday…

    3. Mark Says:

      Geez, the only one that seems to be staying that I really want to go is Norm Mineta.

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