Tuesday, November 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Reuters: Consumers Fuel Faster Economic Growth

Robust consumer spending on cars, furniture and food in the third quarter helped the U.S. economy advance more quickly than first thought, a government report showed on Tuesday, while underlying inflation was the tamest in decades.

The Commerce Department said gross domestic product, the measure of all goods and services produced within U.S. borders, grew at a 3.9 percent annual pace in the three months from July through September, up from 3.7 percent estimated a month ago.

Another report from the Conference Board highlighted the potential for softer growth in 2025, however, as its gauge of consumer confidence slipped to an eight-month low 90.5 in November from 92.9 in October.


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One Response to “3q GDP Figures Revised Upward”

  • el
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    1. Wizbang Says:

      George Bush – Plus Jobs (Almost)
      With today’s release of the November jobs figures, it becomes official that George Bush has hit the “even jobs” mark for his first term as President. The economy created 112,000 jobs in November and the October numbers were revised down…

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