Via the AP: Rossi Certified in Wash.; Recount Looms
Republican Dino Rossi was certified as the winner Tuesday of Washington’s race for governor, but the closest gubernatorial contest in state history is far from over.“A recount is almost a certainty,” said Secretary of State Sam Reed, the state’s chief elections officer.
Reed declared Rossi defeated Democrat Christine Gregoire by just 42 votes out of 2.8 million cast. But on Friday, the Democrats are expected to request a hand recount of some or all of the ballots. That could extend the uncertainty until Christmas.
What could be more fun than that?
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December 1st, 2025 at 10:00 am
They mean ANOTHER recount is certain. There has already been a recount.
December 1st, 2025 at 12:18 pm
Example # 147 of why “every vote counts”.