Sunday, January 30, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

A trip around the Blogosphere (and yes, with a heavy dose of my blogroll, although not exclusively):

This election isn’t the end, but a beginning, and it may yet go sour. As such, it is easy to get overly celebratory about the day’s events. Still: the building of a stable state, like any other endeavor is a step-by-step affair. To consider the events of January 30, 2024 anything other than a success is to be blinded by partisanship. Of course, to pretend like this is success defined is also to be similarly blinded.

Still, there seems to be more of the former than the latter. I find it dissappointing, and vexing, to note that there are those so infected by partisanship that they cannot at least acknowledge these elections are a step in the right direction.

The bottom line is: not every event in the world is part of a game between Reps and Dems where one side scores and the other side falls behind. Too many people treat the world like one football game where their team can do no wrong, and the other team must lose.

(Feel free to link up with your own election comments–positive, negative or neutral. Plus, I am updating as well)

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16 Responses to “Blogospheric Round-Up: Elections in Iraq”

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    1. PoliBlog: Politics is the Master Science » For Want of Reasonable Dialogue Says:

      [...] #8217;t. To re-iterate a point I made in regards to the Iraqi elections (at the bottom of this), and an idea that some day I plan to better develop: politics isn’t a football game in w [...]

    2. Truth. Quante-fied. Says:

      A Bright New Day in Iraq
      PoliBlog is rapidly becoming one of my new favorites, and they have a great blogosphere round-up of what people are saying now that the polls in Iraq are closed. Although they somehow missed us, I won’t hold it against him.

    3. The MUSC Tiger Says:

      “This is Democracy”: Voting in Iraq
      The polls are closed in Iraq, and the election is over. So how did it go?

      From the AP:

      Iraqis defied violence and calls for a boycott to cast ballots in Iraq’s first free election in a half-century Sunday. Insurgents seeking to wreck the vote s…

    4. Pirate's Cove Says:

      Iraqi Elections
      So far, despite repeated pessimism, the Iraqi elections are going well. Yes, there has been some violence, but we expected it. The

    5. Darleen's Place Says:

      Iraqis vote – who’s happy, who’s not
      AP “news” service reportsWASHINGTON – Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the Iraqi elections went “better than expected” Sunday, despite conflicting reports about the extent of voter turnout in areas plagued by intimidation and violence. She …

    6. Signifying Nothing Says:

      Signified Elsewhere: Iraq elections edition
      I don’t normally do the link round-up thing, but today seems like a good day to make an exception: Steven Taylor rounds up posts on the Iraqi election, as well as providing a bit of perspective of his own: The…

    7. protein wisdom Says:

      Iraqis Give Zarqawi the (ink-stained) Finger
      I'm proud to be an American every day -- but today, I'm especially proud.* **** If you have time today, take John Cole's challenge. For instance, were you to be clicking around the blogs and come across something like this You kn…

    8. Mark the Pundit Says:

      The Iraqi Vote
      When it is all said and done, the new Iraqi leader will have more legitamacy to his office than the governor of Washington can claim, no? UPDATE: Steven Taylor is gathering reactions from around the web….

    9. EtherHouse Says:

      Iraq vote “not legitimate”; Berlin Wall “torn down by a few lawless vandals.”
      There are many on the left who have never had a positive word to say about anything that’s happened in Iraq. I take their silence on this day, as noted by Michelle Malkin, as a very positive sign. My joy is only tempered slightly by my horror at how…

    10. EtherHouse Says:

      Iraq vote “not legitimate”; Berlin Wall “torn down by a few lawless vandals.”
      There are many on the left who have never had a positive word to say about anything that’s happened in Iraq. I take their silence on this day, as noted by Michelle Malkin, as a very positive sign. My joy is only tempered slightly by my horror at how…

    11. EtherHouse Says:

      Iraq vote “not legitimate”; Berlin Wall “torn down by a few lawless vandals.”
      There are many on the left who have never had a positive word to say about anything that’s happened in Iraq. I take their silence on this day, as noted by Michelle Malkin, as a very positive sign. My joy is only tempered slightly by my horror at how…

    12. The Moderate Voice Says:

      Iraqis Overwhelmingly Endorse Democracy And Defy Terrorism
      Iraqi Voters Send Insurgents A Message A high turnout of Iraqis today embraced democracy in the country’s first free elections in 50 years — thus giving a defiant collective gesture to

    13. The Moderate Voice Says:

      Iraqis Overwhelmingly Endorse Democracy And Defy Terrorism
      Iraqi Voters Send Insurgents A Message A high turnout of Iraqis today embraced democracy in the country’s first free elections in 50 years — thus giving a defiant collective gesture to

    14. Outside The Beltway Says:

      Iraqi Elections: Right Wing Gloating?
      Matt Yglesias, while generally conceding that the elections themselves went well, laments that

      It’s time to prepare for three weeks of gloating from the hawks before they realize that nothing has really changed and they return to previous hawk prac…

    15. HerbEly Says:

      Iraqi Elections: Not a Matter for Scoring Debating Points
      Posting will be light today. I have a workplace spirituality talk to give and some Kiwanis work to do. Still, with all the words that will be written about the Iraqi election, I think that this comment by Steven Taylor,

    16. The Jawa Report Says:

      Religion of Peace Update 1/31/05
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