Monday, February 28, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Breaking news via Reuters: Lebanon’s Prime Minister Says His Government Resigns

Lebanon’s Syrian-backed Prime Minister Omar Karami, under popular pressure after the assassination of an ex-prime minister, said Monday his government was resigning.

This fits with a post by Kate at OTB concerning the street protests in Lebanon today.

ABC news has a lengthy story on today’s protests: Anti-Syrian Protesters Fill Beirut Streets

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3 Responses to “Lebanon’s Syria-Backed Prime Minister Resigns”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Backcountry Conservative Says:

      Monday Lunch Hour
      On days that I’m between classes for lunch I’ll try to bring you a roundup of the blogroll during lunch. Today’s edition is coming to you from Fuddrucker’s in Greenville. Steven Taylor points out the Syrian-backed PM of Lebanon has…

    2. Truth. Quante-fied. Says:

      Wonderful News from Lebanon
      Two big news stories today that are strong evidence for what Bush has been saying all along; democracy and freedom are powerful tools that spread of their own accord.

    3. Steven L. Says:

      Holy #$%#%@#$!@.

      Um. That wasn’t insightful, was it?

      Steven L.

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