Monday, February 28, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Not to get overly optimistic, but today’s events have been quite stunning. Further, it is worth noting that Lebanon, despite its bloody civil war, does have experience with democratic governance–indeed, was once thought to be an examplar of multi-sectarian democracy.

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2 Responses to “Lebanon: Giving a New Meaning to the Phrase “Arab Street””

  • el
  • pt
    1. Buckland Says:

      Hitchens has an article in slate today about the Arab street:

      “I haven’t actually done a Nexis search on this, but my strong impression is that the term has been, without any formal interment, laid to rest.”

      Guess his deadline was before this incarnation of the Arab Street.

      [via Instapundit]

    2. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » On the Current Israeli Actions Says:

      [...] : Rockets hit Israel after airport attack. Given that it wasn’t that long ago that there was much optimism regarding Lebanese political progress (and democratization), this isn’t good new [...]

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