Thursday, March 31, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Reuters: Schiavo Dies 13 Days After Feeding Tube Removed

Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged Florida woman at the heart of a wrenching dispute over her fate that drew in the Congress and President Bush, died on Thursday, a spokesman for the parents said.

While hardly unexpected, this is sad nonetheless.

While my position on this has been clear, I still find the entire situation tragic and sad. Indeed, it has been one long tragedy for all involved for fifteen years.

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5 Responses to “Terri Schiavo Has Passed”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Pajama Hadin Says:

      Terri Schiavo Dead at 41
      ( – After 14 days without food or water, Terri Schiavo died around 9:50 Thursday morning – shortly after her parents issued an emotional plea to be at her hospice bedside in her final moments of life.

      Terri’s husband and legal guardian,…

    2. Chris V Says:

      Starvation and dehydration is no way to go, for anyone. This whole deal is a screwed up mess from Terri’s eating disorders to lack of respect people have for life. Just because Terri was not in a comfortable state of living this was no way to treat those who are helpless. Blood is on the hands of many and I am glad it is not on mine.

    3. Max Baker Says:

      Politics is the Master Science
      Terri’s husband and legal guardian,…

    4. Timothy Says:

      Watch this Tribute to Terri –

    5. Alex Dando Says:

      Paralleling the topic of yesterday’s “humor as link-building” subject, today I’ve stumbled across a site called NetDisaster that will take a given URL and turn the page into a private battlefield for Martians, meteors and other untimely disasters.

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