Monday, April 18, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via E! Online: Tom Snyder Battling Leukemia

The folksy former NBC newsman and CBS talk-show emcee has announced he has been diagnosed with chronic, but treatable, lymphocytic leukemia.

Snyder, who once held the The Late Late Show host post, was optimistic about his chances.

“When I was a kid leukemia was a death sentence. Now, my doctors say it’s treatable! With pills or chemotherapy or a combination of both,” he said Friday on his Website, He said that, if caught early, patients can live up to 30 years.

“I ain’t looking for thirty years,” he said, “but fifteen more would be nice!”

I remember, vaguely, the original Tom Synder Show that used to be on NBC before Letterman got Late Night and when our oldest was first born he had a hard time sleeping; and more recently my wife and I would usually be up late and would watch the Late Late Show and so, after a fashion, Tom Snyder was part of our oldest son’s early childhood.

I wish him well and hope he gets those 15 years.

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2 Responses to “Tom Snyder Battling Leukemia”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Signifying Nothing Says:

      Drink a colortini for Tom
      Steven Taylor links an E! Online piece that says Tom Snyder is battling lymphocytic leukemia. While I don’t remember ever seeing Tomorrow (although my mother was something of a fan, so it’s possible I did see it back in that…

    2. Alan Kellogg Says:

      Wouldn’t another 15 years about triple Tom’s remaining life-span?

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