Saturday, April 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC: Chilean poised to become OAS head

Chilean Interior Minister Jose Miguel Insulza is now expected to be elected when the OAS holds a vote on Monday.

Mr Insulza and his rival, Mexico’s Foreign Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez, were deadlocked at 17 votes each after five ballots earlier this month.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been backing Mexico’s candidate.


Traditionally, the US-backed candidate wins the leadership of the organisation, but it might not be the case this time, the BBC Clinton Porteous in Santiago says.

Our correspondent says Mr Derbez is seen as more conservative than Mr Insulza, who is a member of the socialist party

The post of the OAS chief has been vacant since October.

The Organization of American States is sort of the hemispheric UN. As such, it dose perform a number of important diplomatic fucntions and aids in numerous projects in the region, but like th UN isn’t exactly efficacy central. As such, I can’t get too much in a knot over whether the US candidate gets the nod or not.

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