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Watching the reportage on this Deep Throat business clearly demonstrates that for some, this is a huge story. Said Keith Olbermann something along the lines of “now we know what it must’ve felt like when the 100 Years War was over.” Somehow I don’t think it rises to that level.
It also seems to underscore the profound way in which journalists in their 40s, 50s and 60s were affected and shaped by Watergate–either they were young reporters at the time, or they studied it in j-school not long after it happened, with professors who were directly effected by the events. One does have to wonder how many of today’s reporters went into journalistm because they saw All the President’s Men
Indeed, it will be interesting to see how the press evolves in the next decades or so when Viet Nam and Watergate aren’t the predominate filters through which the major MSM outlets view the world.
At this point it seems that, in fact, the only interesting angle of the story is how it reflects on the journalism of Woodward and Berstein.
May 31st, 2025 at 10:46 pm
Well, let this be a lesson to Presidents who make enemies of career bureaucrats.
Um, like Bush and the CIA.
June 1st, 2025 at 4:18 pm
Felt, is the underdog hero of the 70′s. He had the guts to do the right thing. Yes, he violated part of his oath of office, but he upheld the part that was the most important! to serve the people of this country. So it doesn’t matter if he let sensetive information out. he should be praised not judged.
June 1st, 2025 at 8:14 pm
Who cares already. I’m a journalist and this story makes me snooze. Felt was J.Edgar Hoover’s right-hand man, so I’m sure he wasn’t totally mr. boy scout. Regardless, Watergate is over. Now we can let Nixon’s ghost rest.