Via the BBC: Changing planet revealed in atlas
An atlas of environmental change compiled by the United Nations reveals some of the dramatic transformations that are occurring to our planet.It compares and contrasts satellite images taken over the past few decades with contemporary ones.
These highlight in vivid detail the striking make-over wrought in some corners of the Earth by deforestation, urbanisation and climate change.
If anything, the satellite before-and-after images that accompany the soiry are quite interesting.
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June 5th, 2025 at 8:57 pm
“. . . deforestation, urbanisation and climate change.”
Which one of those wiped out the date palm forests in Iraq, I wonder?
June 5th, 2025 at 9:42 pm
Let us also look at the pictures of New England where reforestation has taken place since the late 1890s as farms and pasture land revert to trees. The advent of the automobile replaced horses and coal, natural gas and oil replaced wood as a home heating fuel.