Saturday, June 4, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

I just noticed this story, Brown Model Jurist for Filibuster Fight, with a date line of Thu Jun 2, 8:03 PM ET, which states:

So while another of
President Bush’s judicial nominees, Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen, is likely to be the flashpoint for a showdown over whether Democrats should be able to stop appointments to the nation’s highest courts, Brown is being debated just as much on the Senate floor this week.

Which is all quite fascinating, except for the fact that Owen has been confirmed and Brown is one of two others (along with Bill Pryor) who are set to be confirmed as part of the much-ballyhooed compromise of about two weeks ago.

I guess computer-generated news publication has its drawbacks at times…

In skimming the piece to see if maybe there was some new info to had, I notd this paragraph:

n many ways, Brown’s court rulings and speeches mirror the thinking of Bush and conservatives coast to coast.

Why is that such a freakin’ surprise?

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