I am messing around with the logo and look of the place. Comments welcome.
Update: Here are some thumbnails of some replacement header banner graphics. Any and all input as welcome.
I know that the various versions of the site logo integrated with the School of Athens have some color issues. I am curious as to input especially on the negative version–my wife thought it looked too “ghosty”.
These thumbnails made with a freeware program Gallery
Update II:
Then there’s this, which I like, but am not sure what I would do with it at the moment:

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June 5th, 2025 at 11:09 pm
I like the first one best. I take it you are trying to reduce the vertical screen real estate occupied by the header.
I don’t like the negative images. I don’t like the blue text on the crowd scene banner; hard to read and doesn’t look quite right.
June 5th, 2025 at 11:45 pm
See my e-mail with sample idea attached for possible inspiration.
June 6th, 2025 at 10:30 am
1st one is too weird looking.
2nd one the text is too blurred into the background
3rd one the text is too blurred into the background
4th one is nice
5th one is just odd
You could fix the blurred text and they’d probably look better than the one I chose.
If you have a clean image, the text you want on it and the font I could do it up for you. Email if interested.
June 6th, 2025 at 10:33 am
Many thanks.
My wife will be pleased that 2 out of 2 don’t like the 5th one.
I am going in the direction of #4, but with a new graphic.