Monday, June 6, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

I have a piece, that just came out today, in Strategic Insights (the monthly electronic journal of the Naval Postgraduate Shool/the Center for Contemporary Conflict): When Wars Collide: The War on Drugs and the Global War on Terror, which looks at the politics of the WoT and WoD, specifically examining Colombia and Afghanistan.

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2 Responses to “When Wars Collide”

  • el
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    1. PoliBlog: Politics is the Master Science » Drug Policies Failing in Afghanistan Says:

      [...] ation and the dire economic condition of Afghan farmers. Indeed, as I noted in a piece in Strategic Insights last month, there is a problematic synergy that exists between drugs and funding for terror [...]

    2. Ed Hess Says:

      The economic numbers cited suggest to me that it would be feasible to price support “legitimate” food and fiber crops to the same financial yield level as raw opium and therefore cause the desired substitution of crop preference by Afghan farmers. Obviuosly this would be expensive but if it achieved the multiple goals of defunding terrorism, weakening the drug trafficing “industry” infrastructure and reducing the amount of heroin that reaches the US, it might be worth it.

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