Tuesday, June 14, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

I am thinking about acquiring an MP3 player. Indeed, I am pretty set on getting one, and am curious as to any recommendations/experiences anyone has had. I figure I want at least a 1gig device, would like an FM tuner/recorder and am unsure if I should be worried about the harddrive v. flash memory issue (and no, I don’t jog, but would use it on a treadmill and working in the yard).

Any thoughts?

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6 Responses to “MP3 Players”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Scott Gosnell Says:

      I’ve been wondering about this kind of stuff too, and was going to ask you (kept forgetting). Mosey over later if you have time.

    2. Jan Says:

      My eldest son recommends getting an iPod. I personally know nothing about them.

    3. Steven L. Says:

      the “flash” memeory types usually go under 1 gig, but I like them for working out — no skipping and practically shock-proof. 512 might be big enough for those (100-120 songs at a time in MP3 format). I have an iRiver that has given me no problems.

      On the larger models, I like the creative models — they seem to give good bang for the buck, and have pretty high ratings overall. I don’t own one, but looked at them a couple months back. Dell is in the market and has gotten good reviews, but I know very little about them. I can’t say one way or the other on the iPod, except I think you pay a bit of a premium for the branding — which is one reason I was looking at the Creative models.

    4. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      The iPods get great reviews, but in terms of bang for the buck, it does seem that Creative’s Zen line and iRivers bigger models are a better deal. iPod has the “cool” factor, but I am not concerned about that, plus I would like a device that can play WMAs as well as MP3s.

      I saw an iRiver 1 gig flash player in the paper, and that is the one I am leaning towards, but the iRiver 5 gig model and Creative’s Zen line both are quite appealing.

    5. c.v. Says:

      The Creative Zen nodel is good, and it has remeovable batteries

    6. David M. LaBedz Says:

      I am using the RIO Forge Sport. Comes with 512MB ram and has an internal upgrade slot for SD flash cards. I will be adding a 1 Gb card. With 1.5 Gb I can have a complete audio book, several podcasts and quite a few music files! No skipping good sound quality. So so FM reception. I live in a strong signal area so the stations I listen too come in fine. Compact and comes with an armband that would work fine on a treadmill.

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