Tuesday, June 21, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the AP: Ex-KKK Member Convicted in 1964 Killings

Given that only this morning the jury was supposedly deadlocked, that’s a remarkably quick verdict.

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3 Responses to “Killen Found Guilty”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Mark Says:

      Was manslaughter a lesser choice, or is that all the prosecutors went for? In any case, it’s likely means a life sentence. Good.

    2. Signifying Nothing Says:

      Klansman Killen Konvicted

      Contrary to my pessimism earlier today, the jury in Neshoba County today convicted Killen of three counts of manslaughter, a lesser charge than murder but one that, given the sentencing range, still will probably see Killen spending the rest of his lif…

    3. Scipio Says:

      Under Mississippi law, manslaughter is a peculiar crime. It’s a lesser included offense of murder, but it lacks its own statute or definition. Basically, any unlawful killing of another human being that is not murder is manslaughter.

      For a homicide to be murder, the killer must evidence a depraved heart, a deliberate design to commit murder, or kill someone in the commission of another listed felony.

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