Via the BBC: ‘Hezbollah drugs ring’ broken up
Police in Ecuador say they have broken up an international drugs ring which was raising money for the Islamic militant group, Hezbollah.The authorities have declined to give details of the gang’s alleged links with the group, but say it was sending Hezbollah up to 70% of its profits.
Ecuadorean officials say the drugs network was run by a Lebanese restaurant owner in the capital, Quito.
I am hardly surprised. Indeed, the article I wrote for Strategic Insights (in this month’s issue) notes the fact that the drug trade is a ready source of income for terrorists, should they seek to exploit it.
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June 22nd, 2024 at 4:44 pm
War on drugs finances terrorism
BBC News: Police in Ecuador say they have broken up an international drugs ring which was raising money for the Islamic militant group Hezbollah. The authorities have declined to give details of the gang’s alleged links with the group, but…