Thursday, June 23, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Reuters: Afghans say surround senior Taliban commanders

Afghan forces are closing in on a number of senior Taliban commanders after a big U.S.-backed offensive in southwestern Afghanistan that killed more than 100 militants, officials said on Thursday.

The commanders included Mullah Dadullah, a member of the Taliban’s 10-man leadership council headed by elusive Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, and Mullah Brother another commander thought close to Omar, a Defense Ministry spokesman said

“Mullah Brother, Mullah Dadullah, Mullah Abdul Hakim, Mullah Abdul Hanan and Mullah Abdul Basir are in that area,” Mohammad Ishaq Paiman said. “The operation is ongoing.”

Hopefully they will be able to capture the leadership in question. Of course, there have been such reports before and nothing has come of them, so I shall wait and see how it turns out in terms of the specific targets.

However, at a minimum, it would seem that there has been a significant success here:

Interior Ministry spokesman Lutfullah Mashal said earlier up to 150 guerrillas escaped a three-day onslaught by U.S.-led forces in the area that killed 103 guerrillas. He said they had crossed into Pakistan through Zabul province.

The offensive was a major blow to the guerrillas’ bid to disrupt parliament elections in September, Mashal said.


The dead included three senior Taliban commanders — Mullah Jamil, Mullah Ghani and Mullah Easa — while 16 other fighters had been captured, he said.

It really is amazing how little coverage Afgansitan gets. I would think that at least some of the time dedicated to runaway brides, Hollywood trials, and missing persons could be dedicated to this story and scores of others.

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3 Responses to “Major Taliban Commanders Cornered?”

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    1. pennywit Says:



    2. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:


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