Saturday, July 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

To help stem the tide of too much catblogging, here’s a pic of Grace. Now, I have tried to capture the following several times, but normally she hears me and wakes up. She has taken to sleeping basically on her back with her hind legs kind of up in the air with one of her paws over her eyes. This picture is the best one I have gotten so far:

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3 Responses to “Saturday Night Dogblogging”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Jay Says:

      What a cutie! Goldens are my favorite.

    2. Jan Says:

      One of my cats sleeps like that. I’ve heard they will lay like that if they are too warm.

    3. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Kitty Blogging Says:

      [...] -Would-Thinks-He’s-King was a little grumpy at first, but he’s coming around. The Goofwad just wants to play.

      Filed under: Not politics, photoblogging | |S [...]

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