Wednesday, August 31, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

This strikes me as a bit optimisitic: New Orleans Hotels: Hotel InterContinental New-Orleans, Louisiana, USA:

The InterContinental New Orleans is scheduled to reopen on Monday, 12th September, provided that electricity and potable water are being received by the hotel.

I looked out of curiousity because I, and some of the readers out there, are supposed to go to the Southern Political Science Association meeting at the Inter-Continental in January.

I am having a hard time seeing that happen, but certainly being open in two weeks seems highly unlikely.

Of course, they have a proviso in their statement, and to me it would seem that that is huge proviso.

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2 Responses to “Some New Orleans Optimism”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Dave Schuler Says:

      Well, since the governor is saying that people won’t even be allowed back into the city in two weeks’ time it will be a good trick.

    2. Bryan S. Says:

      Yeah. That’s *real* wishful thinking.

      If I were the SPSA, I’d have been on the phone *monday* looking at alternative sites. Mid-January isn’t a big convention time, so they probably could find someplace.

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