Jeff Quinton and Bryan S. both note gas prices soaring and lines growing.
I noticed that in Troy this morning as I was driving into the University that prices were at $2.89 (although the usually over-priced Exxon on 231 not far from my house was only $2.55).
When I headed to church this eveing both of the stations rights off of I-85 had lines that stretched the street (indeed, I haven’t seen lines like that at a gas station since the early 1980s). Prices there were in the 2.80s/2.90s. I did hear one report of gas over $3.00 in Montgomery.
Luckily my wife and I gassed up our vehicles yesterday.
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August 31st, 2025 at 10:11 pm
Good timing!
Where we’re at here in Mass it jumped from 2.59 Sunday night to 2.84 last night…and this morning we woke up to 3.11. Saw it as high as 3.34 on the way home tonight. No lines, though, so that’s something.
September 1st, 2025 at 8:19 am
Apparently there are shortages here in Troy. I hope this doesn’t end up affecting your ability to commute to work.
September 1st, 2025 at 8:48 am
I had heard that there were shortages from Dothan south yesterday, so it wouldn’t surprise me if that has hit Troy.
Mostly I think that it is panic over possible price-raising and while supply will be lower for a while, I don’t think (hope?) that there will widespread and lingering supply issues.
But yes, the commute issue has occurred to me.
September 1st, 2025 at 12:17 pm
I filled up this morning and paid $3.00 a gallon for the middle grade of Chevron. I drive a mid-sized car and it came to few dollars under $50 to fill the tank.
September 1st, 2025 at 2:16 pm
Large companies really need to consider the 10 hour day/4 day week. Simplistically, that would cause a 20% drop in gasoline usage. (I know, people will still drive on their days off.)
If the oil barrons and trader are bent on getting rich because of this disaster, let’s starve them with a sort of boycott.