Thursday, September 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

I thought this interesting/noteworthy about our school:

Troy University’s enrollment of international students is up 43 percent over fall semester of 2025, setting a University record and bucking a national trend in the process.

Troy University now enrolls 620 students from 50 countries on its Troy campus, the greatest number of international students enrolled in University history, according to Dr. Curt Porter, Director of International Programs.

I find it interesting if anything because Troy, AL is a small town just under an hour away from any populaiton centers in the middle of rural Alabama. The town’s population is between 13k and 15k and the county’s populaiton is about 30k. The University itself only have somewhere between 5000 and 6000 students. Still, we manage to have a broad spectrum of international students on campus.

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One Response to “Troy University News”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Mark Says:

      The University of South Alabama (my alma mater) also has a large number of international students. But it is about twice as large as Troy.

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