Friday, September 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Here’s a straightforward FFM: Favorite Words (that you actually use)

Ten Favorite Words (That I Actually use on a Regular Basis)

1. ubiquitous (simply a cool word)

2. writ large (ok two words, but used together)

3. indeed (I was into “indeed” long before I knew what a Glenn Reynolds was–I think it is a Spock influence, in fact)

4. vis-a-vis

5. exigencies

6. cognizant

7. synergy (I’ve noticed I have been using this one a lot lately)

8. penultimate

9. albeit

10. Spiffy

Honorable mentions (words I like, but don’t necessarily use all the time):




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10 Responses to “FFM: Favorite Words”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Jan Says:

      You forgot “on balance” and “cool”, you use them all the time too. :)

    2. clint Says:

      my favorites were “hegemonic stability theory”
      and “not so much”

    3. Dr. Leopold Stotch Says:

      Steven: I guess we have to suppose that the names of your boys and your bride go without saying aren’t what this FFM was looking for (I’m making my list and my favorite word by far is my dog’s name).

      Clint: if I don’t say “hegemonic stability theory” at least once a day my students start to think that there’s something wrong with me.

    4. jd watson Says:


    5. Jan Says:

      I know there are more “Taylorisms” that I can’t think of right now, but Clint is right, “not so much” is a common one.

      I’m still thinking about my list. I was thinking maybe I could just ask the kids, “what words do I use on a regular basis that you don’t really understand?” My oldest son often complains, at the dinner table, that it sounds like what I’m saying should be part of a paper for Dr. Taylor (yes, he mentions you by name), not just normal conversation. lol!

    6. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      Ah yes, personal catchphrases are a whole ‘nother issue.

      “not so much”

      “all that jazz”

      variations on “doesn’t give a rat’s rear end”

      This list was words that I realy like just for their own sake, yet also use a lot.

      And I am pleased to know that I am affecting the vocabularly level of dinner conversation! :)

    7. Jan Says:

      And you’re often affecting the topic, too.

    8. Dave Says:

      A fellow word lover. I’ve always like penultimate also. Here is one that fits your blogger profession – redaction – which is the prcess of editing or revising an article.

      One of my favs is defenistrate – the act of throwing something out of a window. My boss always comes to mind.

    9. Stop The ACLU » Blog Archive » Sunday Funnies Says:

      [...] . will be attending the slasherfest. Go check out the Bar of Argghhh! Poliblogger tells us their favorite words. The Cranky Neocon is asking for people to adopt him. We’ve already put in our bid [...]

    10. Irrational Woman Says:

      Fun words to say and use

      Last week Dr. Taylor, over at Poliblog, posted a FFM that I never found the time to join in on. I thought maybe I’d catch up today. . . Note: Maybe seeing this trackback will remind Dr. T that it is Friday and he’ll do a new FFM for today.

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