Sunday, October 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

I swear, homework for elementary school age children is more freakin’ work for the parents than it is for the kids.

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5 Responses to “I Already Went to Elementary School…”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Jim Says:


    2. Wesley Rolling Says:

      Eh, you’re just upset because you can’t color inside the lines.

    3. Jan Says:

      My third grader has more homework than my high school boys, and he has ever since 1st grade. It’s rediculous.

    4. Steve Plunk Says:

      What gets my shorts in a bunch is when the kids have to do what is essentially an art project for english or science. Poster boards, drawings and the like wastes my kid’s time as well as mine. They should think about that before they assign it.

    5. The Unknown Professor Says:

      What really forsts me is when my yard apes (preschool and 1st grade) get an assignment that they can’t possibly do without parental help. If the child can’t do it in a reasonable time without getting the parents’ help, it’s too friggin hard as an assignment.

      But it makes the teacher feel good about assigning “creative” things. And that’s what really matters after all, isn’t it?

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